MUSIC REVIEW: Hunky Dory: David Bowie (1971)

Karthik Govil
2 min readJun 29, 2024


The late 60’s and early 70’s had many new and cutting edge artists at the time. The world’s first softboys the Beatles, the worlds sexiest moustache of Queen fame and the world’s first guy to try LSD Led Zeppelin. One man managed to do all 3.

David Bowie dropped two of the most iconic albums of the time, and with it tried many things. His personas of Major Tom or Ziggy Stardust helped him explore many ideas, as well as his trysts with philosophy with ideas of an Übermensch. This also influenced many more personas like the Thin White Duke for the years to come.

Bowie wore his philosophical influences on his sleeve, was very expressive about his androgynous nature (something that still inspires people to this day). This bled into his music and made it stand out then as much as it stands out today.

Songs like Life on Mars, Space Oddity and Starman perfectly describe his feelings of isolation and longing, whereas songs like Kooks and Moonage Daydream are (to me) the perfect ideas of romance.

Overall, Bowie was an artist who was extremely forward thinking and on the cutting edge, even by today's standards, and these two albums attest to that era perfectly. I'm giving this one a 5 Major Toms out of 5 spaceships 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀/🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




Karthik Govil

Here to write reviews and make sense of the things around me.