Just a couple of months ago, I pulled a low back muscle while lifting weights. This was not the first time I had injured this muscle, so I knew I needed to seek treatment to prevent further injury and to be able to continue with my fitness routine and yoga practice. I went to the orthopedist and to physical therapy, where I noticed something interesting: nearly all the strengthening and stretching exercises I was asked to do were based in yoga. I wasn’t that surprised because the keys to a healthy back are mobility, flexibility and strength — which can all be improved through a consistent, basic yoga practice.

Try these ten moves for a tight and achy back. If you have moderate to severe pain, please consult with your physician before beginning an exercise routine.

Find a quiet space with minimal distraction. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Use a yoga mat if you have one, but any flat, firm surface will work. Begin by sitting in a comfortable seated position for a couple of minutes. Close your eyes and simply pay attention to your breath, inhaling and exhaling through the nose.

1. Cat-Cow

Cat-cow is an effective way to relieve tension in the lower back, especially if you’ve been sitting or standing for a long period of time. It’s also a great way to warm up the body.

Kneel on all fours with shoulders directly over the hands and hips over the knees. The spine is in a neutral position. Inhale, tuck the toes under and arch the back. Keep the arms long as you lower the belly toward the earth, gently gazing upwards. As you exhale, untuck the toes, press the palms into the earth and round the back, gazing toward the navel. Repeat for five cycles and then return to a neutral spine.

Remaining yoga poses CLICK HERE

