Karuschain Tokenomics 101

Karuschain 🔸
4 min readDec 19, 2019


So, you have an interest in cryptocurrency? Take a journey with me to dive into Karuschain and explore our fascinating token economy (tokenomics!) structure. Unlike many IEO’s, we’ve done our homework and due diligence, and are thrilled to share our live & working model with you.

To state it simply, a token is just another word for a “type of privately issued currency”. Remember those days in the arcade as a teenager? When you won all those paper tokens and redeemed them for prizes? It’s the same concept here.

Adulting and Investing

Fast-forward to today — you’re a successful adult (or at least “adulting”) and are looking to invest wisely. And now, with the data revolution and cutting-edge tech that led to blockchain and digital distributed ledgers, we have an entirely new business realm to invest in.

In this new realm, an individual organization can issue their own digital currency as a way to self-govern and empower new self-sustainable mini-economies around a business model or network.

This self-governing business economy model is amazing because, not only does it create more efficient finances between users, it inverts the economy power structure away from a central authority to a democratized one. That adds an incredible amount of value to a token-based economy like Karuschain.

Financial Transparency

Gone are the days where a central bank prints new money and affects the market by its own invisible hand. Now, thanks to digitally distributed ledger technology, each token holder is able to participate how and when they want, without any outside influencer regulating the rules. It’s all in the data, my savvy crypto friends- in the transparent, auto documented platform that serves as a single source of truth to which all token-economy players rest.

For Karuschain, this validity of data is the hearthstone of our tokenomics utility value.

“This all sounds well and good”, you say, “but where is the real-world utility?”

I’m so glad you asked.

The Achilles heel to many IEO/ICOs surrounds the practical interaction of a tokenomics theory with an underlying, functioning business model. That’s the balance that those doing it right must strike, and preferably led by real people with industry experience, business expertise, and visionary insights, imma right?

A Step Ahead

Unlike many IEO or ICO competitors or performers, Karuschain is the real deal. Our revolutionary team of heroes have over 270 years of combined experience in the precious metals, technology and compliance industries worldwide, and has already successfully launched blockchain technology to tier 1 banks.

Yep. You read that right. Karuschain already has a live model in action! Beta users are welcome, and you can sign up here today.

To push all this a little further in showing how Karuschain is a shining outlier in the crypto community, Karuschain’s visionary team also understands that the true backbone to any economy is a strong, interconnected community.

The Calm in the Storm

Let me tell ya, if you haven’t figured it out already after all the ups and downs in the ICO sector these past few years, crypto projects prefer project design and theory over community integration and tangible product delivery– but not Karuschain.

To the folks here at Karuschain, if you miss linking a token economy to a well-defined, interlocked community centered on produce/service deliverables and timetables (aka –Karuschain’s precious metals supply chain platform), you miss out on the true essence of tokenomics.

And if you’re fitting to make a global industry solution, you need to be able to integrate into the global economic community. Karuschain’s heroes thrive off of tackling big audacious things, (like your run of the mill global concerns like ethical and sustainable mining), and we’re ready to lead the charge to address the industry’s pain points head-on and transform the future of global mining.

The KRS Token Value Proposition

Now enough with the basics, let’s get into the real fun surrounding Karuschain’s tokenomics business model.

The mining industry, as you may have heard, has a “few” problems regarding human rights abuses and increasing regulation on a country by country basis (which is a problem for any industry operating on a global level).

The global mining industry represents a high value, high volume market, and these troubling issues are not set to go away any time soon. In fact, the 2019 industry reports hint that the problem is only getting worse.

The Pressure Grows

As global and consumer pressure grows to increase mining compliance and regulations, so do increases to the rejections for LTO (License to Operate) mining permits, and hence, up pop-up more corrupt and abusive mining sites to flood the precious metals industry with illicit, illegal goods.

So, how can you tell if the minerals in your laptop were from ‘blood’ mines or ‘green’ mines? The answer is — you can’t.

But with Karuschain, you soon will.

Thanks to the digital revolution and the cresting adoption of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, Karuschain is poised to lead the industry into a whole new realm of ethical, transparent collaboration and operation to squeeze out most of the transgressions existing in the mining market.

Needless to say this is an industry FIRST. EVER.

A Single Source of Truth

Karuschain presents the first time there’s been a single source of truth between the value of raw minerals and the value of exchange of these raw minerals. This is a unique value proposition with a lot of benefits…. And we’ll dive into those amazing in details next week, so stay tuned for Karuschain’s Tokenomics 102 coming up!

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Karuschain is a blockchain technology platform for the precious metals mining industry, giving mining companies a powerful tool to ensure data integrity, safeguard human rights, reduce risks and improve environmental regulations in their supply chain.

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Karuschain 🔸

Supply chain tracking and tracing platform for the precious metals industry built using proprietary blockchain technology.