Now Seeking Beta Testers

Karuschain 🔸
2 min readAug 27, 2019


With a mission of giving the precious metals industries a blockchain of their own, the Karuschain project is being developed to correctly mitigate the many issues and challenges facing the precious metals supply chain process.

The initial implementation of Karuschain will provide the tracking and tracing capacity to limit the impact of the different global compliance burdens, and resolve the data integrity concerns experienced in the sector.

We are excited to announce that we have officially launched our application program to participate in the beta launch, and a number of key and passionate partners will have the opportunity to develop tomorrow’s future, today.

The Karuschain platform, founded in 2017, by serial-entrepreneur Richard Verkley and his hand-picked team will use the Ethereum and Hyperledger blockchains to implement smart contracts and the management of critical data flows from legacy systems and innovative hardware throughout the precious metals supply chain.

Karuschain’s platform technology will allow supply chain participants to determine the source of the metal as it flows upstream. It will allow them to track the metal from the source onwards and then for other participants to trace back to provenance, giving rise to immutable and trusted data which all parties can rely on. One of the early beneficiaries will be the miner’s compliance group in helping them satisfy their compliance burden by organizations like the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In turn, they have full control over determining what compliance data to store on its private blockchain channel and with whom to share read-only access nodes with.

Scheduled to launch in 2020, Karuschain’s beta is now open for companies who desire to be at the forefront of adoption and change and understand how a secure, sophisticated implementation of blockchain architecture can add value to their business. Karuschain is built to support its long term vision to be the supply chain compliance rails for the entire precious metals industry. The platform architecture is robust and scalable as new industry participants join. For more information, visit us at

We are seeking to work with a diverse pool of companies and precious metals industry professionals from around the world to help us build the most valuable BaaS solution for the industry as possible. If your company is interested to participate in our blockchain beta program, hurry and apply soon as there is limited space available!

To fill out our brief application form, click here.

Karuschain is a blockchain technology platform for the precious metals mining industry, giving mining companies a powerful tool to safeguard human rights, reduce risks and improve environmental regulations in their supply chain.

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Karuschain 🔸

Supply chain tracking and tracing platform for the precious metals industry built using proprietary blockchain technology.