Overcoming Mental Obstacles

Secrets of the Universe; 5 of Swords

7 min readDec 27, 2019
Image Source: Pinterest

There is a secret I want you to know. It is the secret to overcoming obstacles, that lie deep in your subconscious mind. There are many of us out there today, that are not living our best potential. We dream and desire so much beautiful things, a life of abundance and prosperity, a family with peace and wealth.

However, majority of us will fail to attain these things, but why? It is because we are planted with seeds of doubt from people around us, it may be our friends, our family, our spouse. It may be the very people we believe we have come to become attached with and ‘love’. For the most part, we must realise this one central truth. We can love those around us, but it does not mean we have to permit them to take residence in our mind. It does not mean that we must allow the false and negative mindsets and ways of their thinking flood our minds and taint our lives, just so we can obey them in blind love.

If you truly wish to overcome obstacles, it all starts with the mind. It starts with removing the mental barriers and weeds that have been planted in subconscious programming, and idle or suppressing conversations from the people around us. We must be mindful and thoughtful of whom we choose to surround ourselves with. The seemingly idle conversations we believe to be harmless, when done in repetition are actually harmful to our psyche.

Today I want you to observe those around you, and identify the kind of conversations you engage in. What are they about? Do you speak about not having enough, or having lack of something? Do you speak about not finding love, and not being loved? Do you speak about not being able to afford things or your lifestyle? If these are the topics of conversation you engage in on a daily basis, you must learn to evaluate and retreat. You must learn to detox yourself from the toxic people around you who subconsciously will you to engage in these negative mindsets and thinking.

If you do not respect the people around you or admire their lifestyle or achievements, then you must re evaluate your social life in general. You must re evaluate the people around you whom you choose to share your energy with, for energy is truly contagious. For we are the sum of the 5 people we choose to engage with on a daily basis. If you are around someone who is living in fear of scarcity, fear of failure, negative views on love and relationships or fear of life in general, you must remove yourself from their daily presence. If you do not, you will find yourself living an identical lifestyle. If you wish for a better life, a happy life, a rich life, an accomplished life, you must work hard for your goals. Be focused and identify the end goal, not the distractions around you that exist in idle conversation and limited mindsets and thinking just for the mere purpose of socialising or belonging.

You must exercise your mind and will to be stronger than those around you, to influence rather than be influenced.

Mental obstacles are a disease, that are projected onto you by the society you live in, the people you surround yourself with. It may unknowingly be your mother, your father, your spouse or your friends — which in turn affect your programming and your beliefs. If you are not living an abundant life or are not in a state of true happiness and wealth, it is because you have been programmed by the world around you to believe you are not entitled to do so. Break free today from the mental prison that exists within your mind, and see the true light. There is a life out there waiting for you to live in your peak potential, without the barriers that present themselves in blockages from the mindsets and the environment imprinted on you.

You are bigger than the limited thinking and mindsets of those around you, and you are bigger than the problems that present itself to you. You must understand that in order for you to truly transcend and live a life of your dreams, you must look toward the vision of your highest self in light. Do not be derailed by the small mindsets of others, do not be derailed by your past failures and misfortunes. They do not define you, what you choose to do after these past failures and misfortunes defines you. You can either allow it to break you, or re-create you. You can choose to be bigger than what other people have willed you to be, you can choose to have the life you truly believe you deserve over what people have expected of you.

Today I want you to do these four things in order to transcend past your limited mindset and the obstacles that are blocking your way:

Do one thing you fear to conquer your limited mind.

Whether it is taking the courage to speak to someone whom you have admired for a long time, or enrol in something you are scared of doing. Dressing how you want to dress, travelling to another country on your own or taking the necessary steps to open that business that you have been wanting to do. In conquering your limited mind daily, you will be forcing your psyche to carry out tasks without fear. Once you have conquered that fear, no matter how small the success, you will be breaking boundaries, limits that have been placed on you and therefore you will be reprogramming your mind for success.

Identify 3 things you are grateful for, and then identify 3 things you desire.

Write and review these daily. In carrying out this practice, you are re-wiring your mindset and brain pattern to magnify your blessings and attract more into your force field, of the reality you truly desire.

Review the list of the people you engage with on a daily basis.

Identify the life that they have, and whether or not this is a life you wish to be living too. If it is not, write down a list of 5 people you truly admire, and would love to have dinner with — in order to pick their brain and emulate their success. Remember, you are the sum of the 5 people you interact with the most. If you wish to become successful in your own right, you must be around those who are already emulating your version of success. If you cannot be around these people whom you admire, you can read biographies of people who have achieved similar success, or attract to people who have the same energy and qualities.

Now today, most of all, I want you to be kind to yourself.

You are now aware of your subconscious programming, you are now aware of your mental obstacles. You must be persistent in carrying out these rituals every day in order for you to reset and reprogram your mind. You must push yourself to overcome these obstacles and mental barriers by being persistent in your will and actions. Forgive yourself for the programming of your mind that has been placed on you by external sources. But respect and love yourself enough to take the necessary actions to CHANGE.

You are the only one who is in control of your life, no one else. You are the only one who is in control of your destiny, no one else.

If you feel that another person around you has manipulated your way of thinking, you must remove this power. Release it into the universe and give them thanks and love for their opinion, their role in your life, the lessons that will turn into your blessings. Do not look to anyone in resentment for your misfortunes, for this will magnify your inability to take control of your life. Look instead to others, as a source of motivation. Negativity can also be a motivating force in pushing you out of your comfort zone and current circumstance, because it is a force of necessary change. If you have people around you who are negative in mindset, use this to motivate you to become the complete opposite and to rise to a better version for yourself. If they are persistent in their will to control you, use this to motivate you to take control of your life and break free from the shackles of their mindset and your environment.

Take massive action in doing one thing that you were scared of doing before, so that you can push yourself into the direction that you wish for in your deepest desire and conquer the obstacles on your path.

This is the secret I wish to tell you today, the secret of freeing your mind. In the year of 2020, we will all be elevating in collective consciousness. My role is to help elevate humanity in conscious awareness to become their best version of self.

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