Role of Media in Society
7 min readDec 13, 2019


What is media?

In general, "media" refers to various means of communication.

For example,

television, radio, and the newspaper are different types of media.

What is Society?

Society is defined as a group of people living as a community or an organized group of people for a common purpose.

Role of Media in society:

The word ‘media’ is derived from the word medium, signifying mode or carrier. Media is intended to reach and address a large target group or audience. The word was first used in respect of books and newspapers


Print media and with the advent of technology, media now encompasses television, movies, radio and internet. In today’s world, media becomes as essential as our daily needs. Media of today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping of public opinion and strengthening of society.

Media is the sword arm of democracy. Media acts as watchdog to protect public interest against malpractice and create public awareness. Today when politicians are taking full advantage of their positions, an evil nexus of mafia and crime syndicate is making the life of the common man miserable, taxpayer’s money is siphoned out for the personal gain of the influential and ordinary people are a most spectator media has a grater responsibilit.

As the fourth pillar of democracy along with judiciary, executive and legislature, media of today has an all embracing role to act against the injustice, oppression, misdeeds and partiality of our society.
From the days abode, media has remained an integral part of human civilization. From the days of Vedas and Upanishads to edicts of kings and emperors like Chandragupta, Asoka to the medieval Indian mass gatherings to the modern day’s audio video and print media, media has always taken a pivotal role in shaping our society. During the days of freedom struggle newspapers like Tilak’s Maratha, Mahatmaji’s young India acted as a platform to place the demands of common Indian and to express solitude with freedom fighters. Indian media in post independence era has grown up phenomenally and today comprises of more than 50,000 newspapers, hundreds of television and radio channels.

In this era of liberalistion, privatisation and globalisation(LPG) the world has reached our drawing room thanks to media. Since the introduction of television in our country in late 70’s visual media becomes a very potential tool in informing the current news to the society, entertaining the people and shaping up of public opinion. The World Wide Web and web 2.0 technologies have given rise to electronic media where even a common man can express views through blogs, website posts, facebook and twitter like social media. Coupled with traditional print media all these audio video and social media caters to a richly diversified media industry in India.
Media helps in fighting against corruption, nepotism, cronyism of institutional machinery and carrying out relentless campaign against them.

importantance of Social Media:

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microbloggingsocial networkingsocial bookmarkingsocial curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media.

Here are some prominent examples of social media:

facebook: is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

Twitter: is a free microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices.

Google+: (pronounced Google plus) was Google’s social networking project, designed to replicate the way people interact offline more closely than is the case in other social networking services. This website is no longer offered to new users and plans to shut down remaining accounts in 2019.

Wikipediais a free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of a community of users known as Wikipedians. Anyone registered on the site can create an article for publication; however, registration is not required to edit articles. Wikipedia was founded in January of 2001.

LinkedIn :is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally.

Reddit :is a social news website and forum where stories are socially curated and promoted by site members. The site is composed of hundreds of sub-communities, known as "subreddits." Each subreddit has a specific topic such as technology, politics or music. Reddit site members, also known as, "redditors," submit content which is then voted upon by other members. The goal is to send well-regarded stories to the top of the site’s main thread page.

Pinterest :is a social curation website for sharing and categorizing images found online. Pinterest requires brief descriptions but the main focus of the site is visual. Clicking on an image will take you to the original source.

For example, clicking on a picture of a pair of shoes might redirect users to a purchasing site and an image of blueberry pancakes might redirect to the recipe.

Effects of Media on society:

The media influences so many people’s behaviour nowadays. Information can be spread after a few clicks of a button, whether it is true, false, speculation or gossip. This can affect relationships in various ways, be it between celebrities and ordinary people or between celebrities themselves and their loved ones. The media can manipulate, influence, persuade and pressurise society, along with even controlling the world at times in both positive and negative ways; mentally, physically and emotionally.

Controversial stories are reported and printed with no reliance of it being fact or not. The public is “meant” to believe everything they’re told and not question it. With it being so easy to say assert an opinion so easily after a few taps, it can lead to investigations and front page headlines. Additionally, as newspapers and magazines have websites, articles can be posted and received quicker than printed articles, and are updated more regularly. Links to these articles can be posted to social media platforms – like Facebook and Twitter – as well as being emailed and messaged directly between friends and family. Today, the media is everywhere, and can easily get to places if needs be in ‘BREAKING NEWS’ scenarios. According to Global Web Index, 54% of daily media time is online. Also, on a typical day, 12% of people watch online TV, 10% listen to online radio, 12% read online press, 28% use social networking sites, 13% are micro-blogging, 9% read or write blogs, and 17% do other things. This means there is constant access to news and the goings on in the world, with the aid of links from social media sites, as you can receive news so quickly, all information whether it’s true, false or opinion.

The media can influence the way people are viewed, which means people’s careers can change within a flash. The media can also manipulate people in the spotlight to lead their life a particular way, or to rebel against what they ‘should’ be like. Miley Cyrus, 21, grew up around fame, with the influence of her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, as well as famous godmother Dolly Parton, both of which are American country singers. Therefore, Miley Cyrus was bound to attract public eye. Miley has had minor acting roles, but became a famed child star at the age of 11, with her success in Hannah Montana, a TV programme based on a teenage girl (Cyrus) with a split life between that of an ordinary schoolgirl and of a ‘teen pop sensation’. By having the role of Hannah Montana she became a role model to millions of young girls around the world which she didn’t ask for, but it came with the job.

Many celebrities and sportsmen are influenced and manipulated by the media, but have to ignore it to perform well

