How To Store Dry Dog Food Long Term: 15 Simple Ways

7 min readJul 20, 2021


1. Store Food in Its Original Container

Always keep your dog’s food in its first container, and once you have opened it, remember to wrap and paste it, and place it in airtight containers. Here are the benefits of keeping dry dog ​​food in its first container:
• Some plastic containers are made of low quality plastic, which can collect fat from dog food, making it fun over time.
• Many dog ​​food companies use high-quality packaging bags, including oxygen barriers designed to lock moisture and oxygen.
• The first container contains important information you may need to keep your dog’s food fresh, including, UPC codes, lot number, expiration dates. Details can also help if you have a problem with food or if you happen to remember dog food.

2. Always mark your last bag

Close any bag or dog food bag after all feeds to prevent exposure to moisture and oxygen, high substances that accelerate the rate of food spoilage. Closed bags are often contaminated with germs. To close your wallet, lower the sides or use clips such as Ikea Bevara Sealing Clips to close the wallet.

3. Always use airtight containers

Any container you use to store dry dog ​​food should be airtight to protect the food from oxidation to retain its fresh flavor. It also prevents insects from getting into your dog’s food.

4. Avoid using artificial protective equipment

Synthetic preservatives can make your dry dog ​​food last longer. However, the risks associated with these harmful chemicals far outweigh their benefits. BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin, one of the most common types of dry dog ​​food storage, have been linked to a variety of dog health problems. Instead of artificial insemination, use natural supplements such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) or plant extracts such as rosemary to store your dog’s food.

Related: How To Keep Dog From Eating Cat Food

5. Avoid pouring the dog directly into the storage containers

Do you like to take your dog’s food out of the containers to feed it comfortably? Of course, you should know that there are a few dangers associated with this practice:
• Plastic containers may contain chemicals that can easily get into your dog’s food
• Increases the risk of larvae retention and fungal growth, which can cause food poisoning in dogs. Fungal larvae such as the Tyrophagus Putrescentiae are very difficult to detect unless there is a large invasion.
• Leftover fats and oils from dog food can stay on the sides and bottom of the bowl, contaminating the food and making it rancid.

6. You can stop dog food

When you have more dry food than your dog can eat before it expires, you can freeze it for up to six months. To ensure that it retains its flavor, be sure to wrap it twice in a bag or safe container.
However, you should be aware that cold can add moisture to your dog’s diet. Therefore, do your best to use kitchen sinks to prevent possible exposure to moisture. Alternatively, use zip lock pockets to store small collections of food for your dog and remove only small portions to keep your pooch for a few days.

7. Maintain the taste of your dog’s food by going to the glass

.Glass and metal containers are better than most plastics when it comes to storing dog food. This is because some plastics (especially those that are not only made to store pet food) can transmit an unpleasant odor and taste to your dog’s food. Plastic can scratch or make small nicks and teeth, which can keep germs, contaminating your dog’s food. Go for glass containers with rubber gaskets on the lid to keep moisture and air out of your dog’s food.

8. Keep your pet containers clean

You might be tempted to simply place the top of your container in a fresh dry dog ​​food bag. Strive to wash your last container in the middle of the filling to reduce the chances of handling strong oil from the old container, contaminating your new food. Whether you have a plastic or metal container, wash with warm or hot water, soap and white vinegar and allow it to dry before refilling. Remember that too much moisture in your storage containers can cause mold and mildew to build up in your dog’s diet.

9. Store dog food in multiple containers

Consider storing your dog food in multiple locations. Instead of using one large container to store a lot of kibble, use a container to hold several small bags of different food products. Small parts are not only good for use but also save you the hassle of opening more than you need. Additionally, if one bowl is contaminated, you are left with fresh food for your pooch elsewhere.

10. Only store or leave small food handling containers

While automated providers do feed your canine partner without pressure, they increase the chances of food spoilage and contamination because they allow too much moisture and oxygen. So, just put a few days’ kibble in the dispenser for a while and try to keep the dispenser clean at all times.

11. Never mix old food with new food

Don’t be tempted to transfer that last bit of your favorite dog biscuit from an old storage container to a new bag. By doing this, you will be unknowingly contaminating the new bag as the old container may contain germs or bacteria. Feed your dog old food before opening a new bag. This way, your new food bag will be completely closed for a long time, making your dog’s food refreshing.

12. Never let children help you store dog food

Let’s face it, your kids won’t notice high levels of hygiene when handling dog food as an adult. Therefore, while it is a good idea to teach your children to help you feed the dog, do not put them in storage and other activities that require high levels of hygiene. They can easily contaminate all of your dog’s food by failing to swim before and after handling food.

13. Avoid ants with clove oil

Putting a few drops of clove oil on the outside of the lid of your container can discourage ants and other insects. While clove oil is not toxic to dogs, some dogs do not like the strong taste of this essential oil, so do not add it to dry dog ​​food. Some dogs may be opposed to cove fat.

14. Keep it cool and dark

When dog food gets old, there is a possibility of the food becoming stale. To avoid this, you should store dry food in a cool and dark place. A pantry, a closet, a storeroom, or a garage, will be ideal for dog food storage. Dogs don’t need to stay in a pantry, for obvious reasons. However, keeping the dry food in a pantry away from sunlight will prevent it from spoiling. Once the food is kept in a cool, dark place, it should remain good for a long time. For optimum freshness, you should store it at around 5 degrees Celsius. The food should stay fresh, but not the packaging. For this, you can buy reusable canisters that are sturdy and have a rubber seal. You can buy these from major pet stores like Nature’s Puppy or Petco or online retailers.

15. Store in a plastic container with an airtight seal

and make sure that the container is tight enough so that it can’t be opened by little paws or nosy kids. A snap-tight lid on a plastic container with an airtight seal will keep out moisture and light that are known to speed up spoilage, leaving you with good-as-new grub for your furry friend. Use minimal scooping. We always recommend buying a large quantity of the brand of food your pet eats and scooping small amounts instead of pulling it from the container. Unless you are worried that your pet is eating too much or too fast, scooping just a few times a day is enough. Never give the dog food in a plastic or disposable bowl, as these will rapidly absorb moisture. Instead, fill the bowl with clean water or leftover kibble from a previous meal.

how to keep dog food fresh?

To keep your dog’s dry dog food fresh and crisp for a long time, it is always better to store it in air-tight containers that have a tight-sealing lid, says Canada’s best-selling dog food brand, Happy Dog! Also Read: How to Find The Best Dog-Friendly Dog House So, before you go out to the supermarket to buy your next bag of kibbles, get the best dog food storage container from Happy Dog today. Tip #1: Buy bags with two-layer vacuum packaging, not single-layer bags. This is to keep the dry dog food fresh and crispy for longer. This is because it uses two layers to make the airtight seal. Two layers do not allow air to leak and make the kibble crunchy. Single-layer bags do not have this vacuum seal.


If your dog loves the taste of dry dog food, then you must be able to spoil them with a constant supply. However, if they refuse to eat the meal, there’s nothing to do but give it to them at random. A regular supply of a variety of dry dog food will make sure that your dog never runs out of a favorite meal that you often mix up and break into portions. With these helpful tips, you will have good-as-new dog food that doesn’t spoil in a few days!

