How to Get Your Email Server Settings

3 min readJun 20, 2024


Configuring email accounts on various devices or email clients requires accurate server settings. These settings ensure proper communication between your device and the email server, enabling you to send and receive emails seamlessly. This article guides you through the process of obtaining email server settings for different email providers, whether you use Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, or others.

Understanding Email Server Settings

Email server settings consist of specific configurations that dictate how your email client connects to the incoming and outgoing mail servers. These settings typically include:

  1. Incoming Mail Server (IMAP/POP3): Responsible for receiving incoming emails.
  • IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol): Syncs emails across multiple devices.
  • POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3): Downloads emails to a single device without syncing changes.
  1. Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Handles sending emails from your account.

Obtaining Email Server Settings


To find Gmail’s server settings:

  1. Sign in to Gmail: Log in to your Gmail account.
  2. Access Settings: Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select “See all settings.”
  3. Navigate to Forwarding and POP/IMAP: Go to the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab.
  4. View Configuration: Under the “IMAP access” or “POP download” section, find the server settings including incoming and outgoing server names, ports, and encryption methods.


For Outlook email server settings:

  1. Open Outlook: Launch Outlook on your desktop or mobile device.
  2. Add New Account: Go to “File” > “Add Account” or “Settings” > “Manage Accounts.”
  3. Manual Configuration: Choose the option to manually configure server settings.
  4. Enter Details: Enter your email address and password, and Outlook may automatically detect settings or prompt you to enter server details manually.
  5. View Server Settings: If manually entering, check the provider’s support site or contact their customer support for specific server settings.

Yahoo Mail

Finding Yahoo Mail server settings:

  1. Sign in to Yahoo Mail: Log in to your Yahoo Mail account.
  2. Access Account Info: Click on your profile picture or name and select “Account Info.”
  3. Account Security: Navigate to the “Account Security” tab.
  4. View Server Settings: Scroll down to the “App Passwords” section or look for IMAP/POP settings to find server names, ports, and encryption methods.

Other Email Providers

For other email providers such as AOL, ProtonMail, or your business’s custom domain email:

  1. Check Provider’s Support: Visit the support section of the provider’s website.
  2. Search for Server Settings: Look for articles or FAQs related to email setup and server settings.
  3. Contact Support: If you can’t find the information online, contact the provider’s customer support for assistance.

Using Email Client Documentation

Most email clients provide detailed documentation on configuring server settings:

  • Google Support: Google provides extensive guides on setting up Gmail on various email clients.
  • Microsoft Support: Microsoft offers support articles for configuring Outlook with different email providers.
  • Apple Support: Apple provides guides for setting up Mail on macOS and iOS devices.

Common Server Settings

While server settings can vary, here are some common configurations:

  • IMAP Settings:
  • Incoming Mail Server:
  • Port: 993
  • Encryption: SSL/TLS
  • POP3 Settings:
  • Incoming Mail Server:
  • Port: 995
  • Encryption: SSL/TLS
  • SMTP Settings:
  • Outgoing Mail Server:
  • Port: 587 or 465
  • Encryption: STARTTLS or SSL/TLS


Obtaining correct email server settings is crucial for setting up and maintaining your email accounts across different devices and email clients. By following the steps outlined above and consulting provider documentation or customer support when needed, you can ensure that your emails are securely transmitted and accessible wherever you go. Always double-check settings for accuracy to avoid connectivity issues and optimize your email experience.

