Google Developers Days India 2017

Kp Patel
7 min readAug 21, 2018

Witness my story while I embark on one of the greatest events of my life with my mate. Here is my experience, along with Mrunali Patel of Google Developer Days India 2017 held on 1st and 2nd December in Bengaluru International Exhibition Center (BIEC) in Bengaluru, India. It was an International Event held by Google for the first time in India and was the largest Developer Event ever happened in India with participation of almost 6000 developers. Being short listed for GDD India from around the world and being accompanied by my dear friend Mrunali Patel is and will be the greatest thing in my life. We applied to GDD India. And nearly after two weeks we got the confirmation.

My Confirmation for GDD
Mrunali’s Confirmation for GDD

There are sessions on 1st and 2nd December, you guys will be surprised to see the difference. As soon as we are confirmed to go there, she started spending time on searching different Google Techs they will be introducing there. That’s where the willingness shows that how much you want it and how much you are putting in to complete it. You know she is one of those Beautiful people with Genius minds. She also search all the routes from our rooms to the Bangalore International Exhibition Center and made the notes to how to reach there in different ways. Truly it helped a lot. She has so much prepared that helped us a lot in the journey. Thanks to her.

We went there by train. During the journey we have so much fun. There’s one another person with us names Pratik Parmar. He is also Developer and kind of into production. She was sitting in lower berth, I was standing beside her and Pratik was on the upper berth on my other hand. Me and Pratik was talking about Data Science and all other Techs. So after some time I sat down beside her and she started asking about different words we used in our talk. Yes, She was observing what we were talking about and that’s the best thing about her. She always grep something from what we talk and ask me later. She also had nice understanding power. She always try to complete my sentences and most them are true. So she has a super awesome brain.


We talked so much during journey. We were talking in Gujrati so everyone was so confuse around us that what they are talking. Our talk was 256 bit SSL encrypted. We eat too many Vadapav even though we don’t like that non baked Vadapav. Finally after the 35 hours on journey, we reached Yesvantpur Junction by 3 o’clock in morning on 30th November. Our reservation of hotel was stating from 12 pm so we have 9 hours to spend on the railway station of course. I was thinking what should we do to pass the time, while she was thinking how we can get in the hotel as soon as possible. So she called the booking agent and tell that this is what happened. So he told that “I will do something wait”. Damn she is starting to surpass me this soon. We spent 3 hours there and she suddenly said lets go to hotel and tell them if they can help. I was resisting but she managed me to go there. As soon as we entered hotel, she goes to reception and stated talking about the situation we are in. She is fast girl. I thought I would have to talk to them but no she directly started talking and managed to reserve room 6 hours early without charge. That’s my girl. True sign of leadership again. Now she is started to freaking me out because the most amazing thing is that she never been so far without family but she manages to take her stand. She is just way beyond my thoughts.

Yesvantpur jn.

We were tired because of the journey so we fall asleep as soon as we reached to our respective rooms. We wake up at almost 5.30. We were hungry so we get down to the hotel and after showing menu, she started talking so much about her journey to south and all the things went bad with her. She is so chatty that’s the fun part of her. Time flew by like minutes with her.

Entrance of BIEC

On the 1st Dec, we reach there and see the beauty of BIEC. We entered into BIEC, showed our confirmation message and get our selves our ID cards. ID card was showing “Google Developer Days 2017 India” and after that tag I saw “Kashyap Patel” and “Mrunali Patel”. After that we also got Google Developer Days 2017 India official T-Shirts.

Swags we call them. Now we are the official part of GDD community around the world. She don’t know how lucky she is. It is SECOND BIGGEST INTERNATIONAL EVENT of developers after Google IO. Here she gets lucky twice because she got the “Women Techmaker” kit and “GDD INDIA” sticker,wait what I got? Nothing LOL. We hurry to the room where the keynote is about to begin. As soon as we entered the room, oh my my that music. She looked at me and me at her and we laughed we both are in love with that music. Every time music starts we laugh, it is the best tune we have ever heard in our lives.

Google Developer Days 2017 India Swags
Keynote Platform

So after that hour of keynote, there were parallel sessions going on in the different rooms so we have to decide which one to attend. So I showed her all the sessions and every time she selects the best sessions, and I was like how she come to know that it is the best pick among 4 of them. Freaking awesome.

So we attend all the sessions from 10 to 5.30 on different things like Tensorflow, PWA, Kotlin, Android, Machine Learning etc. And now she knows the basics of all of them, how they are used and in which situations they will be used. Super Awesome. After some talks we went in the lagoon area.

There we see the schedule of the other day and after keynote there was sessions of “Women Techmaker”, I saw her and she said what then I told her that there will be a conference of “Women Techmaker “and after that she was so happy that i can’t even describe. And after that we click some pics and return to talks until 5.30 and then return to hotel.

OLA ride to BIEC

On 2nd December, what I saw in her was so mind blowing. We reached there and suddenly I found that see is leading me the way in which we should go. I was damn surprised. On first day she was like unknown to the place and following me where I go but the after that, she was completely changed. I was so happy to see that change. We rushed to the keynote session and then the moment come what we were waiting for and the main purpose of mine to be there — “Women Techmakers Conference” held at Community Lounge. We reached there and attended that session after that session she was like on fire, ready to do anything. She found out the purpose of that campaign and willing to do anything for that. And that moment was best moment of my life, that I made one other girl to love tech and now she is doing it not because of she have to but because of she wanted to do it. She got swags from “Women Techmaker Community”.

Community Lounge

After that we completed the rest of the day into different sessions, code labs and of course lagoon area. Then we leave the BIEC around 6 and reached the hotel. Before leaving from Bangalore to home. We stopped by McDonalds and eat Maharaja Mac. And at 11 we get into the train and started our journey back towards home. After all the journey to Bangalore was so awesome and meaningful for us both. We laughed, quarreled, learnt together. They were the best days of my life and I hope her also. So this is how we are good friends and teammates now because now she is the team leader and project manager of my team. So hats off to her.

