How to set your mind to believe you can achieve the impossible

Vartika Kashyap
ART + marketing
Published in
6 min readNov 28, 2017

“Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done.” — Robert A. Heinlein

What do you think of the word “impossible” when you come across this quote by Robert A. Heinlein? Some of you may feel defeated, while some of you may be more motivated to do that impossible thing in your life. Whenever something impossible comes in my mind or something that someone says can’t be done, I develop the attitude of doing it more determinedly automatically. It is all on your beliefs. Our mind is a powerful organ and it can make us do what we assume we can’t. Train your brain and try to remove the word impossible from your vocabulary.

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Are you ready to take substantial risks?

As an entrepreneur, you might be considered as out-of-the-box thinkers and you may have ideas that will make your business grow. But there might be a time when you may come across certain things that you may feel are impossible for you to do. Drop that thought! You have to be a potential risk taker if you are an entrepreneur. If you do not have the attitude to take new challenges, you will miss on many things in life considering them as impossible.

A few days back, I heard an interview of Tony Robbins, an American motivational speaker and I can very well relate it to my topic here.

So, in the interview what Joe Polish says to both Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis was this:

“When something is considered “impossible” how do you reframe it so it becomes possible in your mind, and how much of that is mindset?

I would mention some of Tony’s Response:

  • Impossible is not a fact, it’s an opinion.
  • The problem is you’ve got a story. Your story is why it isn’t working.
  • If you can just divorce the story of your limitation and marry the truth of your unlimited capacity then the whole game changes.

The one way to move your business to exciting levels is to face the impossible thing. Things are only impossible till somebody does it. You can be a successful entrepreneur by changing your beliefs that empower you and push you to work hard and take wise decisions.

Here are a few ways that can guide you to achieve impossible with a positive mindset.

1. Choose your “Mission Impossible”

What are your missionary projects? List them out. Pick a project that brings a new dimension to your business and the one that matches your passion. Believe that you are capable of creating an enterprise of your dreams and you will make efforts to create one. Do not lose the enthusiasm and believe that with your knowledge, effort, and determination everything is possible. Work harder and set higher goals and have the confidence to achieve the impossible goals.

2. Perfect is not compulsory

Everybody makes mistakes some or the other time. Even the perfectionist suffer in various ways. Because of being perfect, they may set higher goals and feel defeated at times they are not able to reach those goals. So, before moving forward you do not have to wait until everything is perfect. Even after being perfect, you can lose or win, but if you do not take a step, you will never cross that threshold. Learn from your mistakes and do not be discouraged to take the next step forward.

3. Be loyal to your progress

No big cities are made in a day, no big projects are completed overnight. Workers work daily to make steady progress and bring great results. Work on your goal regularly for specific time period. Make your priority list and commit to your goal. Plan things out so that there is no stone left unturned to achieve your goal. Think of ways how you can stay on track towards achieving your goal. Try and look for things and tools that can help.

This is where a tool like ProofHub can help you in planning your goals as well as keeping track of everything you need to keep moving towards achieving that goal.

4. No looking back; RUN

You really think that one huge step and you will achieve the impossible? Probably not. You will have to take several steps forward. But do not take a step back and set learning opportunities. Develop a strategy for your business and find new creative ideas. You will soon reach the point when you’re impossible goals become reality.

5. Be flexible in your approach

Choose your approach according to your goals. If you are not able to reach your goals, take action and evaluate your progress daily. To reach your goal, adjust your approach to be clear of how to reach your destination and be aware of the hurdles on the way. Don’t rely on just the Plan — A. Always have a plan B ready!

6. Get Lots of People Involved In Brainstorming

Does everyone in your team get involved in brainstorming discussions? Brainstorming should be fun, creative and involving. Try to grab new ideas from even the quietest person who may have the best ideas hidden in their mind, but are too shy to communicate. For instance, Richard Branson, an English businessman, loves creating things and he said that each one in the organization must be involved in brainstorming discussions. Try to involve everyone associated with the project for fresh ideas.

7. Be a Self-Motivator

As an entrepreneur, you need to be pretty good at motivating yourself to get far in your business. Richard Branson, an English businessman, and investor said that entrepreneurs need to be good self-motivators. Branson said, “It’s important to understand what your main motivation is so that you can focus your efforts on reaching those goals.” He says that making money shouldn’t be the main motivator.

Believe in yourself and imagine that there are no limits to what you could achieve!

The impossible is possible…

Thereby concluding with a few examples;

  • It was believed that no one could run a mile in less than 4 minutes. It was impossible. But Roger Bannister proved everyone wrong. He was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes.
  • It was believed to be impossible to land on the moon, but it happened.
  • It was believed that it is impossible for a human to travel at the speed of sound, Felix Baumgartner, an Australian skydiver, broke the speed of sound.

The examples are plenty, you just need to have the will to do something. And, you will see for yourself — NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE if you have the strong will to do it!

So, are you ready to do the impossible things in your business? Believe that it is possible and nothing should hold you back from reaching the potential.

“Want to become a leader who gets things done? If yes, then stop using email to manage work and switch to ProofHub.”

Originally published at LinkedIn


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Vartika Kashyap runs the marketing team at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. She is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.

Also follow our company page @ProofHub to get the recent updates about our tool, published articles, motivational quotes & presentations.


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Vartika Kashyap
ART + marketing

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and