Trends that will evolve on the digital marketing canvas in 2017

Vartika Kashyap
ART + marketing
Published in
4 min readJan 5, 2017

2016 proved to be a great year for marketers, as we saw rise of a number of innovative platforms. From SnapChat to Virtual reality, there were quite a few of the most unexpected changes that we saw.

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There is no doubt about the fact that Social Media Marketing continued to dominate the scene. But, there were also the rise of some new and exciting marketing channels. As the year is about to end, I am going to share some of the marketing trends that I think are going to rock in 2017.

If you are an online marketer, then you cannot afford to miss out on these. Let’s take a look at those trends -

Mobile will continue to rise and shine

2016 was the year of mobile. We saw the focus of businesses shifting towards mobile. And, we are going to see the same trend to evolve in this year as well. Mobile optimization was on top of the list of online marketers this year. With Google penalizing websites not fulfilling this criteria, we are going to see the same trend this year as well.

The smartphone revolution is going to continue in the coming year. So, we can expect it to still top the list of strategies for 2017.

Dedicated mobile apps are going to rock

While we are far far away from the time when mobile apps are going to completely take over desktop websites. But, time has come when mobile apps have become more popular than their desktop counterparts.

And, 2017 is going to be the year where businesses not making the most of this app resolution will be left behind. With Google bringing the option of app indexing, having a dedicated mobile has become an even more important.

It is going to be the year of wearable technology

Apple Watch revolutionized the wearable technology and created a stir in the marketing world. The rise of wearable gadgets like Moto 360, Google Glass etc, has opened a brand new niche for marketers.

Wearable technology is going to dominate this year. So, the marketers need to be on their toes to cope up with the changing trends. And, come up with innovative ideas to switch from online marketing to real-marketing

Live video streaming is going to be the next big thing

Video marketing has been a potent tool for marketers for the last couple of years. We saw a huge boost in numbers for video marketing in 2016. With the evolution of live streaming, video marketing has seen a new twist.

Facebook is a great example for this. Also, the evolution of apps like Periscope and more has shown why live streaming is going to be the next big thing in marketing. We recently saw that the presidential debate was streamed live online, and it drew millions of viewers.

Augmented reality is going to take over

The most exciting marketing gimmicks of the year 2016 was Pokemon Go. it caused quite a stir in the market, making daily revenues of up to $10 million during the peak. The enthusiasm has faded now. But, it has showed how augmented reality can change the marketing canvas.

Pokemon Go has given marketers the first taste of how much money augmented reality apps can bring. I am expecting to see lot more of these augmented reality apps in the coming year. Them paired up with new marketing endeavors, is going to be pretty exciting.

Virtual reality is going to carve a niche of its own

Last thing I have on my list of digital marketing trends for the coming year is virtual reality. People are hungry for real life experience. With technological advancements like 360 degree video and virtual reality, it is now possible to get immersed in video. And, give the user a feeling of being there with you.

All this paints a picture of a mind boggling future. A future, where we are going to see the thin line between real and virtual world getting blurred. And, this is going to be pretty exciting!

There you have it. My list of trends, which are surely going to rock the world in 2017. What do you think of it? Do share in the comments.

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Vartika Kashyap is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016. She currently runs the marketing team at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.


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Vartika Kashyap
ART + marketing

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and