Confirmation (Thank-You) Page Best Practices

Kasim Aslam
3 min readJan 30, 2024


What’s the one page that’s the most overlooked and underutilized asset in your entire sales funnel? The confirmation page (thank you page).

Here’s what it is and how to optimize it to more than double your success rate.

Once someone converts, which could mean buys, downloads, schedules, contacts, etc., we all have the horrible habit of sending them a basic “Thank you! We’ll be in touch.” type of message that dead-ends the process.

Taking a prospect and nurturing them into a converter is the single hardest facet of digital marketing. Why then are we taking our converters and abandoning them after they finally decide to start converting?!

There should always be a next thing for them to do.

My favorite thank you message for lead generation campaigns is, “Do you want to go faster?”

The prospect just filled out the conversion form, we take them to this page and offer them the ability to speed up the process by providing us with even more information.

On this page, you can begin doing the same intake your sales team would perform. Ask them the robust and in-depth questions you assume can only come from a person-to-person meeting.

You’ll be shocked by how much information you can gather this way.

Using conditional logic (which almost all form builders have), you can make your go-faster form the single best information-gathering method you have.

Give prospects the opportunity to give you everything you need to qualify and convert them.

If you want to get exceptionally bullish, and assuming your model allows, you can even use the information gathered during this process to filter out prospects who aren’t a good fit based on their answers.

This can save your sales team an immense amount of time and annoyance.

Once they’ve completed the go-faster form and are qualified, send them to a “what to expect” page.

This page explains what the process looks like and how to prepare for the next steps. There’s nothing more valuable to the sales process than an educated prospect.

Because we know that they’re in the evaluation stage of the sales funnel, I also like to equip prospects with all of the information necessary to ensure they’re comparing apples to apples. At Solutions 8, we give them a downloadable PDF (for example, How To Pick the Best Google Ads Agency).

This is a checklist that provides them with all of the questions they’ll need to ask in order to properly vet agencies. This ensures that lesser agencies aren’t able to position themselves as more valuable based solely on having lower prices.

One more quick tip!

You can also use the confirmation page to handle sales objections, educate prospects on your industry or unique selling points, or give your prospects homework they need to complete before connecting with your team.

How do you use your confirmation page?

Please share any ninja tricks you have that could benefit the rest of us.



Kasim Aslam

Founded Five 7 & 8 Figure Businesses | Two Successful Exits | Co-Founded | Co-Founded | Fathered Sammy And Ronan