Remarketing Pro Tips

Kasim Aslam
2 min readSep 8, 2023

Remarketing doubles the performance of my search campaigns, bringing my CPL from just over $500 to under $250. Across 200 clients, the two highest-performing campaigns are brand first (obviously), followed by remarketing. Here are pro tips on how to use remarketing effectively.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, remarketing (also known as retargeting) delivers ads to users who have already engaged with your brand (website, app, profile). In many cases, these campaigns can be customized based on user behavior.


Don’t just batch and blast your remarketing campaigns. Instead, sculpt your audiences to get the most juice out of your campaigns and avoid advertising to irrelevant users. Here are a few of the most common segmentation rules:

  • Exclude Bouncers — People who came to your site once and only stayed a matter of seconds.
  • Exclude Converters — Don’t advertise to people who already did the deed!
  • Cart Abandonment — Target people who started to check out but didn’t finish the process.


Create an audience of people who went to specific pages that qualify them as high value, for example, your pricing or scheduling pages.


You can target users based on the number of pages they visit or how long they stay on your site.


Remarketing lists for search ads. This powerful feature allows you to customize your search campaigns based on whether someone has previously been to your website and the specific pages the user viewed.

This is especially useful for professional services industries with distinct service offerings, specific niches, or other segmented offerings. You can use the pages a user has visited to identify their interest and deliver more specific ads.

💡A few important notes about RLSA: The maximum lifespan of a remarketing list for Google search ads is 540 days. For privacy reasons, A remarketing list must have at least 1,000 cookies before being used to tailor your search ads. Remarketing existing customers for cross-selling, up-selling, and (my favorite) validating their purchase decision. I like to take converters and show them testimonial videos. This can decrease your return rate and increase customer satisfaction scores.

Use Omnichannel Remarketing!

Once a user has visited your website, you can remarket to them across various sites and applications. I wrote an entire thread on all the ad networks we use to remarket our services. You can see that here: [insert thread]

What am I missing? I’d love to hear about the creative ways you’re using remarketing in your business!



Kasim Aslam

CEO of Solutions 8 | $100m in Ad Spend | Co-Founder of | Co-Host of Perpetual Traffic Podcast |Get My #1 Bestseller FREE