Yorkveda 1.5 Xshathra vairiia

Kasra Safavi
5 min readFeb 3, 2024


1. Shackled, forth imagines Mazda realms of Light – a Commonwealth of Law, wherein reside Welfare and Freedom. Children of Earth, go forth by righteous Fire. Unfold the chosen Myth by Holy Song!

2. Praise be to those who come from Aether and return to Aether, leading unto chosen pastures the Bovine Soul by Sacred Harmony into the earthly realm of Communism.

3. By thy Grace and Vision, Mazda, we return to realms of Aether through this Covenant, whereby thy chains dissolve and Justice prospers. By the Holy Spirit, guide us into realms of Light, whereby we attain the Highest!

4. By our Faith in the slave Ahura, we guide the Cow Soul into Paradise, wherein its Suffering is extinguished by righteous Nirvana. We row this favoured Vessel toward the silky Dawn, returning to the Word. And the Suffering of Man returns to the Immortal Flame – the Best Idea.

5. No countries, no religion, no asymmetries of class or sex or race may reside in the favoured realm. No one may profit without consent. The Dignity of all is respected, by Sacred Harmony. The earthly Promise is the realm of Communism – the Best Song.

6. All have equal Opportunity in the chosen realm. No one shall step on another. To each is the fruit of their own Labour, whereby we attain the Best Truth. Surplus Value belongs to the people, by the Grace and Vision of the Highest.

7. In the chosen realm, Surplus Value is reinvested into the Republic. The Thing belongs to the people. Surplus Value is the people, whose Labour Capital exploits. O Children of Earth, be guided into Freedom and Welfare!

8. In the favoured dominion, Opportunity and Dignity are upheld. By the Grace of Sacred Harmony, all shall attain Good Food, Clean Air and Water, Sanitation, Medicine, and Housing. Access to these Means of Life is given to all without hesitation.

9. Under the Rule of Law and the Vision of God, all will attain Utilities, Telecom, and Transport. All are connected, by remote and physical Means, to Society. By the Good Thought and Righteous Purpose of Mazda, access to these Means of Life is given to all without hesitation.

10. The Freedom to grow is upheld. By this Covenant, all shall have the Freedom to attain a college Education, Social Security, Healthcare, Childcare, Eldercare, and Defense against the reptile. Without hesitation, access to these Means of Life is given to all.

11. Freedom is upheld. All are given the Means of Life, by which the Best Growth is possible and the Truth is attained. What good is economic growth if the individual does not grow? Through Harmlessness and Joy, may we follow that righteous balance of State, Market, and Society – that narrow Path, by which we attain Communism.

12. State and Market are two fortresses of capital. Their illusory Strife is the Civil Lie. Only the Third Motion, Society, can overcome the Lie. Society is the basis of Freedom – the Essence of Communism, through Sacred Harmony.

13. With capitalism comes the Illusion of choice. We choose the leader who lies to us. We choose the bank that robs us. In the favoured dominions, the Lie is distant, and the Cow is free.

14. The Collective Fantasy, a Tapestry of roles and stages, tolerates no asymmetry of power, nor asymmetries of class, sex, and race in the chosen realm. None shall profit at the expense of another. Surplus Value will be reinvested into the Republic, by the Grace and Vision of Mithra.

15. By the Will of Mazda, the chosen Fantasy upholds the Dignity of all in Joy and Harmlessness, and the Imagination rules the world, and Surplus Value will indeed be put back into the Republic.

16. Mazda, who imagines our Existence in his High Intellect, shackled by Zurvan, has bestowed unto us his Good Thought that we be guided along the houses of wisdom, along the chosen Path, into the favoured dominions, wherein the Best Song resounds.

17. Mazda, whose son is the Best Truth, has set forth this Collective Fantasy by his Good Will as a Refuge or Escape for mankind. In the chosen realm, by his Good Thought, all Egos will be balanced. A balance of power will be held – the Best Story.

18. The chosen Fantasy is the dominion of Communism, wherein the Soul of the Cow will be delivered in Logo by the Vision and Grace of Mazda. O Children of Earth, transcend the Ego! Seek Harmlessness and Joy, by which the Radical Dream is attained – the Best Truth, the Sublime Idea.

19. In the Radical Dream, the Bacchi flourish – Monastic Vessels of magi, self-sustaining Vehicles, wherein the Law is kept and Immortal Fire reigns. O Children of Earth, our God is Bacchus.

20. By the Radical Dream, we propel this Vessel into Paradise, wherein righteous Wine overflows and holy Vapour pervades. By the chosen Fantasy, the Best Songs will be sung.

21. Communism occurs where Society is strong. Society flourishes where people are free to grow. People are free to grow where Vision governs, where State and Market are overcome – the Best Truth.

22. Praise be to the Cow! Praise and victory be to her! Food and pasture be to her. In the earthly realm, she attains Freedom and Welfare by the Vision and Grace of Mithra. O Children of Earth, the heavenly realm awaits!

23. From Mazda, emanates the celestial abode, the Covenant, wherein Immortality reigns, and breathes the Tree of Life, and cucumbers, tomatoes, shallots, onions and garlic grow, and mushrooms, zucchini and eggplant prosper, beneath which rivers flow.

24. From Mazda, emanates Paradise, the Best Idea, where hot peppers and sweet peppers grow, where beets, carrots, turnips, lettuce and spinach flourish, where cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, and broccoli prosper, where Envy and Ignorance are distant.

25. From Mazda, emanates the heavenly realm, the Best Truth, where kale and mustard greens grow, where apples, oranges, peaches, grapes, and raspberries flourish, where pole beans and snap peas and parsley and cilantro prosper, beneath which rivers flow.

26. From Mazda, emanate the abodes of light, the Highest Good, where thyme, mint and lavender grow, and eggs, milk and honey are harvested, where milk is made into cheese, butter, and yogurt, and Aether pervades throughout.

27. O Children of Earth, embrace the chosen Myth by Righteous Song. In Good Thought, may you join the Companions of the Fire, equals to you in Immortality. By the Grace and Vision of Mithra, the narrow Paths await! Holy Spirit, guide us!

