What is the definition of Human Rights Violations according to the US?

The Biden Administration should not be allowed to erase #TigrayGenocide!

Eden Kassa
6 min readJul 4, 2023

By Eden Kassa

Is the US simply erasing Tigray Genocide?

The ongoing Tigray genocide presents compelling evidence of the grave human rights violations occurring in the region. The Ethiopian government, with the support of Eritrean troops and Amhara state militias, has orchestrated a campaign to annihilate the population of Tigray. The United States, in pursuit of geopolitical interests and relationships, has turned a blind eye to these atrocities, effectively abandoning the people of Tigray and allowing them to perish. This shift in the US stance from “Never Again” to “Never Again As I See Fit” is alarming and highlights the erosion of human rights principles.

Numerous political analysts and diplomats in the region have confirmed the premeditated preparations for the attack on the Tigray region. Ethiopian generals themselves have admitted that the war was being planned even before the neutralization of the TPLF’s Northern Command in November 2020. The normalization of relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea in 2018 further indicates that the war on Tigray was part of a long-standing agenda.

The actions taken by the Ethiopian military in November 2020 provide further evidence of the genocidal intent. Civilians in Mekelle were warned of “no mercy” if they did not flee the city before a final offensive. Reports suggest that the Ethiopian government received weapons and drones from the United Arab Emirates, although both governments have denied this. Nevertheless, leaked footage of an Ethiopian general admitting the use of UAE drones in Tigray strengthens the case.

The aftermath of the occupation of Tigray reveals a trail of destruction. Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Amhara forces have looted and destroyed public and private property while also causing severe damage to infrastructure. The continued presence of these forces and the ongoing occupation of Tigrayan territory demonstrate a deliberate strategy of siege, which includes blocking humanitarian aid, imposing telecommunication and transport blockades, restricting fuel supplies, and undermining the already debilitated health system in Tigray.

Extrajudicial killings and massacres have been widespread across Tigray. Civilians, particularly the elderly, women, and children, have been targeted and brutally murdered. Massacres have taken place in various locations, including churches, mountain tops, public buses, and civilian homes. The Maryam Dengelat massacre saw Eritrean forces open fire on congregants during mass, while in Axum, Eritrean forces conducted door-to-door raids and carried out mass killings. Video evidence also reveals Ethiopian armed forces executing young men in the Mahbere Dego massacre. Other reported massacres in Zalambessa, Shire, Maryam Dengelat church, Wukro Maray, and Cheli further demonstrate the extent of the violence.

Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) has been systematically used as a weapon of war, as survivors, aid workers, and doctors have confirmed. Women in Tigray have been subjected to kidnapping, torture, and rape by military forces. Many are held captive in camps where they suffer repeated gang rapes and torture by Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers. Reports also indicate that family members are forced to rape one another or to witness the rape of women. Disturbingly, Tigrayan women have been purposefully infected with HIV. Conservative estimates put the number of rape victims at 120,000, but the actual figure is likely much higher.

The involvement of the Eritrean state in the genocide cannot be ignored. Eritrean dictator Isaias Afewerki held high-level meetings with Ethiopian leadership in the months leading up to the war. Eritrean forces invaded and occupied large parts of Tigray, committing additional atrocities in the process. Witnesses and survivors have described Eritrean troops engaging in widespread looting, burning of homes, and indiscriminate killings. They have also been accused of engaging in acts of torture, including beatings, electric shocks, and forced labor.

The deliberate targeting of infrastructure and essential services has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Tigray. Hospitals and health clinics have been looted, vandalized, and destroyed, leaving the population without access to medical care. Food warehouses have been ransacked, leading to severe food shortages and malnutrition among the Tigrayan people. The deliberate destruction of crops and agricultural infrastructure has further compounded the food crisis.

The Ethiopian government has actively hindered humanitarian efforts, impeding the delivery of aid to Tigray. Humanitarian organizations have faced bureaucratic obstacles, lengthy clearance processes, and restrictions on movement, preventing them from reaching those in need. Reports have emerged of aid workers being harassed, detained, and even killed while trying to provide assistance.

The international community, including the United States, has been slow to respond to the escalating crisis in Tigray. Despite mounting evidence of war crimes and genocide, there has been a lack of decisive action to hold the perpetrators accountable and put an end to the violence. Leaks and testimonies have shed light on the role of the United States in enabling the Ethiopian government’s actions. It has been reported that the U.S. provided intelligence, satellite imagery, and other forms of support to the Ethiopian military. The involvement of the U.S. military’s Africa Command (AFRICOM) in the training and equipping of Ethiopian forces raises concerns about potential complicity in the atrocities committed in Tigray.

Furthermore, the U.S. has been hesitant to exert significant pressure on Ethiopia due to its strategic interests in the region. Ethiopia plays a crucial role in regional stability, counterterrorism efforts, and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project. As a result, there has been a reluctance to jeopardize these interests by taking a strong stance against the Ethiopian government.

The failure of the international community, including the United States, to intervene effectively and protect the people of Tigray raises serious questions about the commitment to human rights and the prevention of genocide. It is a stark reminder of the selective application of these principles and the prioritization of geopolitical considerations over the lives and well-being of innocent civilians.

The decision of the US government to ignore the reality of ongoing grave human rights violations in Tigray sends a disastrous signal and a detrimental message to survivors and victims of the conflict. By failing to acknowledge and condemn the atrocities being committed, the US government undermines the efforts of those seeking justice and accountability.

When powerful nations like the United States turn a blind eye to human rights abuses, it sends a message to perpetrators that they can act with impunity. This not only emboldens those responsible for the atrocities but also undermines the faith of survivors and victims in the international community’s commitment to justice.

The US government’s decision not to take a stronger stance on the Tigray conflict raises concerns about the prioritization of political and strategic interests over human rights. While geopolitical considerations are undoubtedly important, they should never take precedence over the fundamental principles of human rights and the protection of vulnerable populations.

By failing to speak out against the ongoing atrocities in Tigray, the US government risks complicity in the suffering and further perpetuation of the conflict. Its silence can be interpreted as a tacit endorsement of the Ethiopian government’s actions, further eroding the trust of the Tigrayan people and undermining prospects for a peaceful resolution.

Moreover, the US government’s inaction in the face of ongoing human rights violations undermines its credibility as a global advocate for human rights and democracy. It sends a detrimental message to authoritarian regimes around the world that they can engage in gross violations of human rights without facing meaningful consequences.

Survivors and victims of the Tigray genocide, who have already endured unimaginable suffering, deserve to see justice served and their voices heard. The US government has a responsibility to use its influence and leverage to ensure accountability for the atrocities in Tigray. By ignoring this responsibility, not only fails the people of Tigray but also undermines its own credibility and commitment to upholding human rights globally.

It is crucial that the US government reevaluates its position and takes meaningful action to address the ongoing human rights violations in Tigray. This includes supporting international investigations into the atrocities, imposing targeted sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for the abuses, and providing robust humanitarian assistance to the affected population. Only through a comprehensive and decisive response can the US government begin to rectify the damage caused by its inaction and send a clear message that human rights violations will not be tolerated.

Nearly one million people don’t die without reason.

