Announcing Eddify1.0 👆

Oke Kolawole Sunday
3 min readFeb 24, 2024


A project that I’ve been working on for a while that involved officially licensed collaboration was released this past month with my partner. I wanted to tell my narrative about how I got the concept, worked around our daily job to make it happen, and what the finished product looked like.

The project is an e-learning resource platform centered at helping learners harness their skills, which was made via a combination of my teams design.

Eddify course/learning page

This project idea is a Research Project work inspired by ALX-Africa (SE) program in partnership with my self and Timilehin (ALX-SE participant). Due to rising technologies there is need to have a centralized and source of learning available and resource filled with quality resource to meet the needs of vast learners across the globe.

lesson page

Our effort assists anyone in need of learning a new skill or education, not simply SE learners. As a technical task, we intended to concentrate on two (2) aspects: developing a user experience that would be compatible with both web and mobile platforms, as well as locating a dependable and advanced API. While I focused on front-end development and API consumption, Timilehin worked on the backend and API.

The project design was carefully planned with the flow of data carefully outlined below

To successfully implement this my team implemented the frontend using ReactJS and a few dependencies with it and for the backend the PyFlask was used incorporated with MYSQL as the database

Technical Challenges

Earliar in the project I decided to implement a review and a quiz model to the design which they are actually still in place but not just incorporated to the frontend due to time and a few other reasons they will be implemented in the later version of the project

During the process of build up to this idea, I and my team solidify our skillset on Flask and ReactJS and also had to tackle some uprising challenges and technical difficulties

