React Native vs React?

Kassidy Matos
4 min readNov 29, 2023


If you don’t know what React is please check out my previous blog post on React to get a better understanding of this framework. Today, lets talk about React Native. React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It allows developers to use React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, to create native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. The key idea behind React Native is to enable the development of cross-platform mobile applications with a single codebase, meaning that a significant portion of the code can be shared between iOS and Android versions of the app.

Navigating the world of React Native has been a cautious journey for me, mainly because my expertise in React is still a work in progress. However, recognizing the potential of cross-platform mobile application development, I’ve decided to delve into the nuances that set React and React Native apart. As I aspire to become proficient in React and prepare for the prospect of venturing into the realm of native app development, exploring the distinctions between these two technologies has become an essential step in my learning journey. Let’s unravel the differences and uncover the unique features that make React Native an enticing avenue for crafting dynamic and versatile mobile applications across platforms.

React Native and React share a common foundation, but they serve different purposes in the realm of web and mobile development. Here are some key differences between React and React Native:

1. Platform:
— React: Primarily designed for building user interfaces for web applications.
— React Native: Geared towards building mobile applications for iOS and Android.

2. Rendering:
— React:Utilizes the DOM (Document Object Model) to render UI elements in web browsers.
— React Native: Renders UI components using native APIs, providing a more native look and feel on mobile devices.

3. Components:
— React: Employs HTML elements to create components.
— React Native: Uses native mobile components, such as `<View>`, `<Text>`, and `<Image>`, to build the user interface.

4. Styling:
— React: Styling is typically done using CSS.
— React Native: Utilizes a subset of CSS for styling, but also introduces its styling system to accommodate mobile app requirements.

5. Accessibility:
— React: Web accessibility standards apply.
— React Native: Adheres to mobile accessibility standards, considering touch gestures and screen readers.

6. APIs and Components:
— React: Has a set of web-specific APIs and components.
— React Native: Provides mobile-specific APIs and components for functionalities like camera access, geolocation, and device-specific features.

7. Performance:
— React: Optimized for web performance, leveraging the virtual DOM to efficiently update the UI.
— React Native: Aims for native-level performance on mobile devices, allowing developers to write native code when needed.

8. Development Environment:
— React: Developed and tested in web browsers.
— React Native: Requires a mobile development environment for testing and debugging on simulators/emulators or physical devices.

9. Code Reusability:
— React: Code can be reused when building web applications.
— React Native: Enables a certain degree of code reuse between iOS and Android platforms, allowing developers to share logic but often requiring platform-specific UI components.

10. Routing:
— React: Commonly relies on libraries like React Router for navigation in single-page applications.
— React Native: Incorporates navigation components specific to mobile development for routing between screens in the app.

In summary, while React is tailored for web development, React Native extends its capabilities to mobile app development, providing a framework for building native mobile applications with the efficiency of React’s component-based architecture.

In conclusion, after this enlightening journey into the React and React Native universe, I find myself armed with newfound knowledge. I’m as excited as a kid in a candy store about eventually dipping my toes into the React Native waters. However, let’s be real, right now, I’m like a baby software engineer taking wobbly steps in the vast landscape of coding. Picture me as a tiny developer in a big coding world, still reaching for the “Ctrl+Z” pacifier more often than not.

But fear not, React Native, I’m eyeing you like a playground I can’t wait to conquer. I might be a bit hesitant, like a programmer Googling a semicolon error (you should see how I act, it’s hilarious), but hey, I know it’s time to grow up. The mobile revolution is upon us, and I can’t afford to stay in my comfy little coding crib forever. Soon, I’ll gather the courage to take the plunge into React Native, because, let’s face it, in the world where everything needs to be mobile-friendly, staying stuck in my React comfort zone would be a disservice to my future coding ninja self. So, here’s to embracing the challenge, one hesitant baby step at a time! 🚀✨

