2 min readDec 6, 2015

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits”

-Brain Tracy

Hello everybody:) how r u doing? Hope everything is okey!:) in this post i would like to write about my BAD habits.

Habits define our lives. To live a balanced, productive life and engage in a long term, satisfying career, ridding yourself of your unproductive habits is an important investment📌📌

Social networks..

How many times you checked your whatsapp/email/vk/facebook/instagram today?? (100 and over😓😩) too many of us spend most of our day in social network: reading and answering emails instead og getting real work done.

We should set boundaries by checking email. Only for a particular number of times and stick to that (!!!)

My group-mates at 8:00 in the morning.They are not talking to each other :( they prefer social networks..people dependent on social network..

Not knowing how to say “NO”

All i want to write, is in this picture) so think about it.


Oufff my bad habit is “multi-tasking”

Stop multi-tasking (!!!) i understood that, multi-tasking doesn’t necessarily make you more productive as you may think) you can actually achieve more in less time when you do single task and focus on getting one thing done well✔️

More isn’t necessarily better. In fact, in many cases the quality beats the quantity.

My advice for you..focusing on the things that bring the biggest rewards or achievement is a great strategy:)

I hope it was helpful, interesting and maybe you learned some kind of lesson from my words:)