What is the ETUKTUK

Crypto suck
4 min readMay 14, 2023


The First Automotive Project On Cardano. Building An Electric Vehicle Charging Network, That Will Be Shared By Billions.

Why Cardano?
Cardano (in it’s own words) prioritises scalability, interoperability, and sustainability – three factors that will play a key role in the direction of the marketplace in 2023. But there are several other fundamental benefits to the Cardano blockchain, that benefit our adopters.

EV Charging Stations – The Lack of Innovation in Developing Countries.
eTukTuk recognises the lack of EV charging stations in developing countries. Our blockchain solution aims to address this, by providing a network of charging stations throughout these regions to benefit people and the environment simultaneously.

The Road to Sustainability.
The road to sustainability has been long. Throughout the developed world, each mark of innovation has led us further down the path towards functionality and accessibility. Today, the emergence of technology has provided eTukTuk with the platform to expand and grow our capabilities together. eTukTuk has developed a unique blockchain solution – the world’s first on Cardano – to tackle some of our planet’s biggest challenges.

Redefining Transportation with Blockchain.
eTukTuk is the world’s first blockchain transportation ecosystem designed with sustainability in mind. Our unique infrastructure and transportation successor have been carefully developed to reverse the pitfalls of the past, igniting a spark in revolutionary transportation that will be built for an efficient and mobilised future for us all.

It All Starts With a Charge.
eTukTuk – Electric Ambition
It all starts with a charge. eTukTuk is setting out across the globe to empower communities across developing countries. With the solution to deadly air pollution, our electric TukTuk is charging ahead with the power to reshape economies. But not only that, it will keep countries moving, providing clean, safe, and fair transportation powered by blockchain.

It’s Simply Unacceptable
The truth is hard to take: 99% of the world’s population is breathing polluted air. That’s over 7.82 billion people who breathe toxic CO2 emissions, daily. A total of 2 billion people across the globe are at serious risk right now from toxic air pollution. The most devastating part is that the hardest hit, are those in developing countries. The facts are shocking. In South Asia and Africa, for example, there are over 3 billion people. 45-50% of whom live in densely populated urban cities, where poor air quality has life-shortening effects.

This is simply unacceptable.

Economic Struggles That Compound Environmental Issues
The developing world is in a perpetual struggle to catch up to developed nations, and there is a major contributor that heightens the problem: poor air quality. This is due to mass transportation; specifically, traditional fossil fuel-powered TukTuks. These are highly popular vehicles for both tourists and communities. Yet, TukTuks are one of the world’s biggest polluters, emitting more toxic CO2 than a passenger car!

Finding a Solution That Works for All
The UN’s prediction is that the use of two- and three-wheeler vehicles will rise to 90% in developing countries by 2050 – an unsettling statistic considering the damage these functional vehicles inflict on the environment. This means a rise from 270 million currently, to 400 million globally, with the highest concentration found in developing countries.

Billions of people live unhealthy, shortened lives – affected by deadly carbon emissions, with little to no economic freedom to do anything to get themselves out of the situation. But clean transportation is a fundamental human right. Our health is wealth. It all starts with a charge. That’s why eTukTuk is charging ahead with the power to clean up air pollution for good. Our network of charging stations and proprietary eTukTuk electric vehicles are here to rEVolutionise transportation as we know it.

The time is now. Modernisation begins with an electric charge, and it all starts with the infrastructure that will power the charge. We are ready to help developing countries make the switch to a fairer, healthier tomorrow; not just for those in developing countries, but for everyone across the globe, who will benefit from cleaner air. Developing a solution that puts people first is not just important – it’s essential for our global health, economy, and rights as humans.

