
2 min readApr 19, 2024


New Instagram Pages

Two of my goals for this year were to create animations or digital art and to write a fantasy novel. The only problem was that I didn’t have the tools (a stylus and tablet for the first goal).

But now I finally have those tools, so I’ve started an Instagram account to post animations and other artsy stuff in the future.

And to my surprise, @kasualartist wasn’t taken already. 👩‍🎨

I also created an account for author stuff while I was at it. Yes, I’m only done with a chapter and prologue, but is it ever too early to start posting about the process?

And again, to my surprise, @kasualauthor wasn’t already taken. 🧝

I made simple changes to my KasualWriter logo by changing the second word to match the account usernames and my medium account, all starting with Kasual.

Upon reflection, I liked how cohesive it was with their matching usernames and profile pictures. But I couldn’t help but think, “Is this becoming somewhat of a brand?”

I don’t know how I feel about it, though I guess I worry about becoming the “corporate type,” but at the same time, I’ve wanted to do this for so long and I’m making moves to make it happen, so that can’t be bad, right?

I’m mostly doing it for fun and wanting to share passion projects, so I wish to make these accounts fun and exciting.

I see all kinds of advice and results that seem too good to be true. Thus, I’m also interested in the analytical side of it and want to use this as an experiment to see how well it does.

For future reference, I’m starting from scratch with zero followers and zero posts. My Medium account has 40 followers and more than 50 posts at the moment I write this.

Here are some of the questions I want to get answers to:

  1. Does branding yourself actually help?
  2. Does the following from one platform transfer to another?
  3. How does this affect me mentally?
  4. Will this help me in the “real world”? E.g., mentioning in job interviews, monetization.

It will help me know if I should recommend others if it’s worth starting, write about how to start realistically and give advice on mistakes I make. Overall, just share my experience.

Follow me on my socials to see where this takes me and be a part of the journey, appreciate you.




Undergraduate uni student in Hong Kong. Not a pro writer, I write kasually. Working on a fantasy novel.