Hating Meghan Markle is a Billion-Dollar Industry

Social media hate and tabloid hate go hand in hand to frame Meghan Markle as Diana 2.0

Kat Anderson
18 min readAug 31, 2023
Northern Ireland Office, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Meghan Markle has been on the receiving end of an almost unprecedented wave of hate from the tabloids and social media. Not for doing or saying something atrocious, but for being a woman, black, American, and marrying a British prince. She openly stated that it led to her feeling suicidally depressed, but that didn’t stop the hate campaign — instead, the vitriolic hatred of Meghan Markle has ramped up into a new gear, with social media hate spurred on and encouraged by the tabloid press.

It all follows a pattern: The tabloids stalk her every move and interpret every single innocuous thing that a person might do over the course of a day in the most sinister and evil manner, whether it be her putting lives at risk by closing a car door herself instead of waiting for a servant to do it for her, or “fuelling human rights abuses, drought and murder” by eating avocados. Then, they inundate us with articles about how terrible and wrong she has been. They pay estranged members of her family to go on TV or give quotes to an article saying how very terrible she is, and how her own family hate her.

On social media, some commenters will concoct a conspiracy theory that she has…

