10 tips for better UI design for SAAS products

Kat S.
4 min readDec 27, 2022


As a software as a service (SAAS) product, the user interface (UI) plays a crucial role in the success of your product. A well-designed UI can improve user engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction. On the other hand, a poorly designed UI can drive users away and harm your product’s reputation.

Image by https://www.instagram.com/katooo_s/

‘’Becoming SaaS-like means moving from being Product and Brand-Centric to becoming Customer-Centric organizations.’’ — Luigi Mallardo

As a UX/UI designer, it’s important to keep the following 10 tips in mind when designing the UI for your SAAS product:

  1. Keep it simple: A simple and intuitive interface is crucial for user engagement and retention. Avoid cluttering the screen with unnecessary elements and focus on the core functionality of the product. Apple is a great example of a company that excels at keeping its interfaces simple and intuitive. The company’s products often feature a minimalistic design with a focus on core functionality.
  2. Use consistent design elements: Consistency in design elements such as color schemes, typography, and layout helps create a cohesive user experience and makes it easier for users to navigate the product. Airbnb is a great example of a company that uses consistent design elements across its platform to create a cohesive user experience.
  3. Make use of whitespace: Whitespace, or negative space, can help draw the user’s attention to specific elements and improve readability. Don’t be afraid to use it generously to create a clean and uncluttered interface. Google is a great example of a company that makes use of generous amounts of whitespace in its interface to improve readability.
  4. Use appropriate color schemes: Carefully selecting colors for your UI can have a big impact on the overall look and feel of the product. Use color to create hierarchy, draw attention, and convey meaning. Nike is a great example of a company that uses a well-defined color scheme in its branding and design to create a strong visual identity.
  5. Use clear and concise typography: Typography plays a crucial role in readability and legibility. Use clear and concise fonts that are easy to read, and ensure that there is sufficient contrast between the text and the background. The New York Times is a great example of a company that uses clear and concise typography to improve legibility.
  6. Provide clear and concise copy: In addition to using clear and concise typography, it’s important to use language that is easy to understand and free of jargon. Provide clear instructions and labels to help users navigate the product. Amazon is a great example of a company that uses clear and concise copy in its product descriptions to improve user understanding.
  7. Make use of microinteractions: Microinteractions are small, interactive elements that can add a lot of personality and delight to the user experience. Use them to provide feedback, guide the user, and add a touch of personality to the product. Facebook’s “Like” button is a well-known example of a microinteraction, providing feedback to the user and adding a touch of personality to the platform.
  8. Consider mobile design: With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, it’s important to consider how your product will look and function on smaller screens. Use responsive design techniques to ensure that the UI adjusts to different screen sizes. Twitter is a great example of a company that uses responsive design techniques to ensure that its UI is easy to use on both desktop and mobile devices.
  9. Test and iterate: User testing is an important part of the design process. Use it to gather feedback and iterate on the design to ensure that it meets the needs of your users. Netflix is a great example of a company that regularly tests and iterates on its user interface to ensure that it meets the needs of its users.
  10. Stay up to date: The field of UI design is constantly evolving, with new design trends and techniques emerging all the time. Stay up to date on the latest developments and consider incorporating them into your design process. Spotify is a great example of a company that stays up to date on the latest design trends and techniques, incorporating them into its user interface to create a modern and visually appealing experience.

By following these 10 tips, you can create a UI for your SAAS product that is simple, intuitive, and visually appealing. A well-designed UI can improve user engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction, helping to drive the success of your product.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.



Kat S.

I am a Senior UX architect with a passion for design, tech, & the future. I love exploring new trends, especially in AI.