Katana Inu Launches First Charity Project in Tanzania!

Katana Inu
3 min readJan 17, 2022


We are pleased to announce that our first charity project, the construction of a drinking water well in Kibiti, Tanzania, was a complete success! Water security is a growing problem in Sub-Saharan Africa, with only 61% of the population having access to clean water; this leaves 39%, about 783 million people without drinkable water.

With this backdrop, it is evident that our charity project is much needed. This charity campaign forms part of Katana Inu’s goal to provide clean and accessible water for every human on the planet. We are delighted we could kick off this benevolent mission in Tanzania.

Katana Inu Charity: The Fountain Project

Wells are constructed on an annual basis to combat the problem of water accessibility in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, these projects usually suffer from structural defects and are not built to last. We are looking to leave an enduring legacy, so we have spared no expense in achieving this objective with our fountain project.

The Process

Before embarking on the construction, we obtained an official license and other support documents. We also carried out geo analysis and consumption tests. The construction material used was primarily reinforced concrete. We dug a depth of around 40 meters for the well; to ensure that the highest water quality reaches the surface. We also installed a high-performance Lorentz water pump, passing the water through several osmosis filters, improving its quality for consumption.

We utilized an AI chip (E1) to drive the pump combined with a smart control to ensure that the drive has a long service life. Optional connections also helped extend the water’s reach to surrounding buildings, schools, and orphanages. The Katana Inu team strictly supervised every stage of the construction. Altogether, the well should provide clean water for 12,500 people.


We placed the project at Kibiti, TANZANIA (7°43'20.7 “S 38°56'15.3 “E). By extending the reach of the well to surrounding buildings and their environs, we ensured that the intended recipients could access the water without having to travel far distances.


After constructing the well and confirming everything was in order, we handed over the project to the community. The community appointed officials to oversee the use of the well and provide servicing when necessary. These officials participated in a training process, and we ensured they had the essential tools to help them carry out their job responsibly and professionally.

After the handover, we celebrated with the community by donating a feast for the village and an additional 250 food rations distributed to the residents.

Gaming For A Cause

The success of our fountain water project already proves that the virtual world can have a positive impact on the real one. We will continue to work with our community and partners to pursue more humanitarian efforts. The fountain project is only the beginning as we look forward to a future where no human is in need.

About Katana Inu⚔️

Katana Inu is a metaverse platform and a high-end blockchain gaming application. Katana Inu provides its players with innovative play-to-earn opportunities and an immersive gaming experience. The project seeks to provide value to the world by driving the culture of decentralization and improving awareness of the potential of blockchain technology through its offerings.

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