Analysis of Indonesia E-commerce Review in 2021 using Tableau (Study case: Blibli)

Katarina Nimas Kusumawati
6 min readFeb 20, 2022


We will analyze the reviews of the top E-commerce in Indonesia. Before seeing into the analysis, I will first describe the purpose of the analysis.


In Indonesia, many e-commerce sites have mobile applications that can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and App Store. E-commerce is competing to dominate the Indonesian market. In this competition, it is important for Blibli to consider the quality of applications developed by involving users directly. Users can submit opinions on the use of the application in the review column on the Google Play Store and App Store. In the review, there are 3 sentiments found: positive, neutral, and negative. Negative sentiment gives Blibli feedback on what’s lacking and leaves users unsatisfied. Through negative sentiment, Blibli can reduce application weaknesses.


  • Knowing how the public will rate the Blibli application in 2021
  • Knowing how many responses the community gave to the Blibli application
  • Knowing how many negative reviews on Blibli App in 2021
  • Knowing when the Blibli app is rated badly in 2021
  • Find out the cause of negative comments on Blibli in 2021

Problem Statement

  • What is the average rating for Blibli in 2021?
  • How does the average rating of blibli compare with other top e-commerce companies in Indonesia?
  • How many reviews will Blibli get in 2021?
  • What are the percent negative reviews given to Blibli in 2021?
  • In what month did Blibli get the most negative reviews?
  • What is the most discussed aspect of the Blibli review?
  • What are the aspects that influence negative sentiment on Blibli?


  • Blibli get an average rating that is higher than the total average ratings
  • Blibli won the top 5 best average ratings compared to other top e-commerce
  • Reviews that Blibli gets in 2021 can be more than 10000 reviews
  • Blibli’s Percent Negative Reviews in 2021 is less than 10%
  • December is the month that gets the most negative reviews because it coincides with National Shopping Day
  • The aspect that most discusses and influences negative sentiment on Blibli is the application

Analysis of E-commerce Review in 2021

General Information

Before going through the analysis, there is some general information that needs to know.

  • In this analysis, we use 9 most popular ecommerce in Indonesia, that are Blibli, Bukalapak, Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, JD.ID, Zalora, Elevenia, and Bhinneka.
  • The average ratings that gather from all e-commerce in 2021 are 4,3.
  • Total reviews that we get from both Google Play Store and App Store are 2 million views.
  • The total percentage of negative reviews is 13,37%.

Average Rating in each E-commerce

  • 4,6 is the highest rating in 2021 that was achieved by Bukalapak. Blibli got 4,0 and on the 7th ranks.
Average Rating

Sentiment Analysis Reviews

In this chart, we can see that sentiment significantly influence the ratings are positive and negative reviews. Higher negative reviews, reduce the ratings. For example, in Blibli reviews, 20,84% of reviews are in negative sentiment, which makes the total ratings get lower in 2021.

Sentiment Analysis Reviews

Trend Rating

We need to see the rating each month. In this chart, the total percentage is calculated for each month. For better analysis, we need to filter the specific e-commerce that we need to analyze. Since the pattern in every e-commerce is different. For example, in May, the negative reviews look so high, that doesn’t mean all of the e-commerce get bad ratings. It can be there’s one e-commerce that gets a lot of bad ratings, so that increase the percentage of bad ratings. But from here we can get information that the review data obtained at the beginning of the month was much lower and increased in the following month and overall, the spike in negative sentiment was not so extreme, still balanced with other sentiments.

Trend Rating

Blibli Review in 2021

So, we are wanting to specifically analyze Blibli. Blibli, established in 2011, is Indonesian e-commerce focusing on B2B, B2C, and B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer) business models.

  • Total reviews Blibli that we get from both Google Play Store and App Store are 16K views.
  • The average ratings Blibli in 2021 are 4,0.
  • Blibli received a rating of 4.0 and a rank of 7 compared to the top Indonesian e-commerce.
Average Rating Ecommerce
  • The negative sentiment obtained was 20.84% of the overall review in 2021.
Blibli Sentiment Analysis
  • December 2021 is the month that has the worst percentage of sentiment compared to other months. It got 27.67% negative reviews with a total of 453.
Blibli Trend Rating

The conclusion from Blibli in 2021:

  • Get rank 7th compared to other top e-commerce in Indonesia
  • The average rating obtained is 4
  • The percentage of negative sentiment is 20.84% of the total reviews
  • The month that has the highest percentage of negative sentiment is December 2021

Next step:

  • Looking for what aspects gave rise to negative reviews 2021
  • Looking for what aspects gave rise to negative reviews December 2021

Blibli Negative Reviews in 2021

This dashboard will discuss in more detail what aspects cause a bad review on Blibli. We classify aspects based on pre-processed data.

Here is how we categorize each aspect

  1. General comments

Helpfulness, rating, conformity with buyer’s expectations

2. Price

Money (worth the money), price-related, additional Cost

3. Application

Updates (comparing to the previous version), update issues, versioning

4. Other

Additional programs needed, praise, company (Tavakoli et al., 2018)

  • In the overall aspect in 2021, the aspect that gets the most reviews is application.
Total Topic
  • The aspect that gets the worst sentiment is about application, it is necessary to emphasize what has happened to the application aspect, the review wouldn’t show in this post.
Topic Distribution


  • In 2021, the aspect that has the most discusses and has the most negative sentiment is application.

Blibli Negative Reviews in December 2021

  • Ignoring data that has no aspect, December is still the month with the highest negative sentiment review.
  • The most discussed aspects in December 2021 are application.
Total Topic in December 2021
  • The aspect that has the most negative sentiment in December 2021 is application. Let’s emphasize what happens in the Application. You can check the review with the highest thumbs-up, the review wouldn’t show in this post.
Topic Distribution in December 2021


  • In December 2021, the aspect that has the most negative sentiment is application.

Overall Conclusion:

  1. Average Blibli ratings earned in 2021 is 4.0
  2. Blibli is ranked 7th compared to other top e-commerce Indonesia in 2021
  3. Reviews obtained by Blibli in 2021 is 16,406
  4. The percentage of negative reviews obtained by Blibli in 2021 is 20.84%
  5. December is the month that gets the most negative reviews
  6. Application is always an aspect that is always discussed in reviews
  7. The aspect that most influences negative sentiment on Blibli is about the application



Katarina Nimas Kusumawati

Sometimes I struggle with data, sometimes I just wanna be a Pikachu