Huge Savings On My Programs So You Will No Longer Be Alone Next Holidays

Katarina Phang
7 min readDec 6, 2017


It’s this time of year again when engagements and weddings are happening, but so are breakups, heartbreaks, loneliness, sadness and despair. Treat yourself to a new way of seeing things so you don’t have to go through another holiday alone and broken-hearted.

Another year has come and gone, are you done hitting brick walls after brick walls? I’m offering once again huge savings for most of my programs. It won’t be 50% — 90% off because I just don’t do that. My programs are working so well so even without discounts they are all rightly priced and so worth it.

The only thing that makes a difference is whether or not you’re ready. If you’re ready everything will change pretty fast. But if you’re still resisting me and wanting to reinvent the wheel because you feel you’re on the right, you will still meander in the limbo land till you hit rock bottom.

So if you’ve been thinking of getting my stuff, here’s the time. The offers are valid till January 2, 2018.

Happy shopping. Write me at for any query or help with payment. Let’s work with your energy with my guidance so you can attract him (back), inspire him to step up or attract quality men who vibrate from high frequency of love and freedom to be drawn to a high-value woman like you. I know all the secrets!

Be my next success story and I know I sound like a broken record that once you’re ready a happy ending is a matter of when, not if. But it’s the truth, majority of these ladies who came to me didn’t see it coming either when they first did the work!

“Claimed by my ex and son’s father that brought me to Kat… Ladies Kat’s teachings work!! I don’t post in here much but I follow and read and learned from others… lean back do your inner work drop your expectations be carefree and just live in the moment… accept where you are and everything changes!!

He has discussed moving in together next year and having another baby… which he knows I’ve always wanted… I’m in no rush and did not expect any of this…all the things he said he didn’t want before and now wants… thank you Katarina Phang I am so blessed to have found you and this amazing group!! I still have so much to learn and grow on this journey!!

I found you at the end of March of this year and purchased your ebook.

Before you we had been broken up almost a year for the second time and had just become friends with benefits. I was reactive, attached and had expectations though I tried not to haha..

He was seeing another woman and tried to hide it but I kinda knew…she was the same woman he was seeing the other time we split too… in July I found her car at his house one morning when I had to drop our son off at his house cause the sitter couldn’t (funny how things work out).

I felt hurt but didn’t react nor say anything he felt guilty and called to make amends. I just listened to him and never reacted…in my mind I was done and let him go… nothing more to say.

I was completely turned off…I refused to see him and didn’t care anymore and he pursued me hard then but I wasn’t interested… I had a rotation anyway. However I did slowly break down my walls in August and start letting him back in my rotation and he had left her and has been actively pursuing me since… told me he loves me and has never stopped and I make him want to be a better man and he can’t see his life without me…

It’s been a real journey to get to where I am now and have your teachings and the universe to thank!!” ~Sherry, Texas

Ready? Here’s the list of the programs eligible for Holiday Specials.

$15 OFF ($122) for my Ebook “He’s really That Into You, He’s Not Ready” with 20 Min Skype Coaching ($137 value) or $82 ($97 value) with 2 week email coaching. Get it here and use this coupon code: 15OFF.

$10 OFF ($82) for the must-listen HIT class “How To Be High Value And Easy To Lose and How It Can Inspire Men To Step Up.” Get it here and use this coupon code: 10OFF

$60 OFF with COUPON CODE: 60OFF for the following programs (prices listed are before discounts):

Module 1 Feminine Magnetism: The Journey Inward, $699

Module 2 Feminine Magnetism: Understanding Men and Four Components of Melting His Heart, $499

Module 4 Feminine Magnetism: Celebrating Your Feminine Sexuality and Healing Your Sexual Trauma, $369

Module 5: Salvation Through Relationship, $399

Cycle 6 Journey Inward Audio, $559

Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart: $499

$50 OFF with COUPON CODE: 50OFF for the following programs (prices listed are before discounts):

Module 3 Feminine Magnetism: How To Lean Back In Dating And Relationship, $369

Cycle 4 The Leaning Back and Cultivating Feminine Mystique Workshop, $297

$200 OFF for Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching (all FIVE modules), COUPON CODE: 200 OFF

$130 OFF For Any Two Programs. Email me for a different cycle combination or if you want the latest version of these programs which is Module 1, 2 and 3 of Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching. It will be a bit more but it’s so worth it!

Cycle 6 Journey Inward (Value: $559) and Cycle 4 the Leaning Back Workshop (Value: $297), $726

Cycle 6 Journey Inward (Value: $559) and Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart (Value: 499), $928

Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart (Value: $499) and Cycle 4 the Leaning Back Workshop (Value: $297), $666

The Man Magnet Makeover Premium Holiday Package, $1242 ($250 OFF)

If you want to switch cycles cause you have had them, you are more than welcome (so email me at, if you don’t state your preference then you will get the cycles as stated below:

1. My ebook: He’s Really That Into You, He’s Not Ready and all the bonuses, VALUE: $137

2. Cycle 4 Leaning Back and Cultivating Feminine Mystique Workshop Audio (8 hours of teaching), VALUE: 297

3. Cycle 6 Journey Inward Audio (18 hours of teaching), VALUE: $559

4. Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio (12 hours of teaching), VALUE: $499

The Man Magnet Makeover Holiday Package, $1135 ($220 OFF)

If you want to switch cycles cause you have had them, you are more than welcome (so email me at, if you don’t state your preference then you will get the cycles as stated below:

1. Cycle 4 Leaning Back and Cultivating Feminine Mystique Workshop Audio (8 hours of teaching), VALUE: 297

2. Cycle 6 Journey Inward Audio (19 hours of teaching), VALUE: $559

3. Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio (12 hours of teaching), VALUE: $499

Get-Ex-Back Kit Complete Package, $829 ($230 OFF)

If you are aching over your breakup and have been trying to get your ex back to no avail, this is your last resort. Over the year I have helped so many women get their exes back and you can listen to their stories in this package combined with my proven method. You can choose between Cycle 4 or Cycle 5 Journey Inward and any cycle of the leaning back workshop. If you don’t choose, these are what you’re going to get:

1. My ebook: He’s Really That Into You, He’s Not Ready and all the bonuses, VALUE: $137 (if you have had the book, read * below)

2. Cycle 5 “Marry-Ex/Awakening” edition of Journey Inward (12 hours of teaching), VALUE: $359

3. Cycle 4 Leaning Back Audio (8 hours of teaching), VALUE: $297

4. “How These Women Get Their Exes Back,” monthly membership class (2 hours of teaching with SIX ladies who share their experiences on how they were attracting their exes back), VALUE: $87

5. “How Get Your Ex Back And Not To Become A One-Down When He’s Back,” monthly membership class (1 hour 40 min interview and live coaching with my client Anabelle who just got her ex back after a 10-month devastating breakup), VALUE: $87

6. “How to Soften Your Boundaries So You Become Non-Reactive And Irresistible,” monthly membership class (he broke up with you thanks to your hard boundaries), VALUE: $92

* If you have had the ebook, you can get all of the above without the ebook for $702 ($220 off)

Side Dish:

1. Goddess Interview Series I, (4 audios, 1–1.5 hrs each consisting of interviews of my most successful clients who turned their relationships around by applying my method, $179 ( $30 OFF on top $99 already discounted published rate), COUPON CODE: 30OFF

2. Goddess Interview Series II, (4 audios, 1–1.5 hrs each consisting of interviews of my most successful clients who turned their relationships around by applying my method, $179 ( $30 OFF on top $99 already discounted published rate), COUPON CODE: 30OFF

3. Goddess Interview Series III, (4 audios, 1–1.5 hrs each consisting of interviews of my most successful clients who turned their relationships around by applying my method, $179 ( $30 OFF on top $99 already discounted published rate), COUPON CODE: 30OFF

4. Goddess Interview Series IV, (4 audios, 1–1.5 hrs each consisting of interviews of my most successful clients who turned their relationships around by applying my method, $179 ( $30 OFF on top $99 already discounted published rate), COUPON CODE: 30OFF

5. 1. Goddess Interview Series V, (4 audios, 1–1.5 hrs each consisting of interviews of my most successful clients who turned their relationships around by applying my method, $179 ( $30 OFF on top $99 already discounted published rate), COUPON CODE: 30OFF

6. New product “Seven Reasons Why Men Marry Some Women and Dump Others,” $107 ($30 OFF).

7. One month unlimited email coaching, $399 ($50 off) that will CATAPULT you to the FIRST priority of all emails that need to be answered. If you need intensive support this is your ideal addition to the packages you choose.

7. One hour Skype Coaching, $309 ($50 off). Want more than one session? Do it again! COUPON CODE: 50OFF

