Love is in the air

Katarina Winslow
5 min readMar 2, 2019


Intuitive Healer Katarina Winslow
reflects on love

Published in February 2019

It is that time of the year again when we are supposed to, and sometimes even asked to be, romantic. We are encouraged to see the world through rose-tinted glasses and cherish our loved ones. The pinker, the better. Candle lights are decorating the restaurant tables for us to be still and look deep into each other’s eyes. When we feel this good, love is natural. In the moments of romance, we feel committed to the wellbeing of our partner, without condition. To be romantic is to be in a position of generosity towards the other. In love, we feel safe in being on the giving and receiving end. Saint Valentin is here for us to really see and connect to the person that is in our heart. Romantic love is wonderful at its best and painful as its worst. When we embrace love, when we are in the state of love, we see the beauty in feeling united as one. But for love to last you need to also feel like one and united within yourself, with and without the beloved. Otherwise, it won’t be long before the ego of each person start to feel uncomfortable with the ‘oneness’ that love has created.
After a while, when the first pink clouds start to disperse, people start asking whose ‘oneness’ is it that we have actually created. In love, we go from feeling wholly united with the other…



Katarina Winslow

Intuitive Healer passionate about human happiness. Author of ‘Eye — The Healing of a Healer’, monthly column writer for Together Magazine.