Collections — Curate and organize your live streams, automatically

5 min readFeb 2, 2016


A few weeks ago at SummitLive in San Francisco, we announced the release of our new feature, Collections, on the Keynote mainstage. The audience loved our tools to bookmark, organize, distribute, and deep link, as well as our new trending feed that features their videos on For a great recap, watch Katch user Terry White demo our new Collections feature for his audience. You can also watch our keynote here, all on Katch, natch!

Katch is more than just replays. We give you a home for your videos, help you distribute them across multiple platforms, discover awesome people and stories, and reconnect with your audience. We now help you organize these videos too and we just released two great ways to do that—Favorites and Collections.


Our goal with favorites was to give Katch users a simple way to show their appreciation for a video and save them for later. Favoriting is easy! You see something you like on Katch? Favorite it! All your favorite videos are saved on your Katch profile so you can go back and relive those videos whenever you like.

Katch, empowering obsessive compulsive organizing behaviors everywhere

Many of our users have asked us for the ability to sort, organize & collect the Katch videos they love. We built Collections for you.


Let’s face it. Currently, live-streamed video is an unorganized mess. Live video has given us the freedom to create in the moment at any place and any time, but that ‘in the moment’ activity and ephemerality leaves us with a tough choice — watch now or miss the story. Katch wants to add some structure to the equation to make it easier for everyone to experience your stories on their schedule.

To start, we give Katch users the power to hand-curate a group of Katch videos, like a Pinterest board. These collections could be around a theme, like “The Best GoPro Scopes” or “Periscope Recipes”. The only limit is your imagination. You can add any video on Katch to a collection and create as many collections as you like!

We love the phrase, “Set it and forget it”.

Cruise Control

We’re data nerds and we knew we could make collections even more powerful so we baked in a way to auto-populate collections — it’s like autopilot for your stories!

You can populate any collection by specifying a hashtag, list of creators, and/or a time range. We envision Katch users creating collections for events, video channels, and playlists.

How Collections Work

Creating a collection only takes a few minutes. Here are step by step instructions on how to create a new collection on your profile:

  1. If you’re not a Katch user, sign up!

2. There’s a new “Collections” tab on your profile. From here you can click the “New Collection” button to get started.

3. You can create a basic collection by adding in a name, description and header photo (this is a great place for an event or campaign logo).

4. If you want to auto-populate your collection, click “Advanced”.

5. “By hashtag” will automatically populate your collection with videos with that hashtag. New videos will continually be added as soon as they are saved to Katch.

6. “By broadcaster” allows you to control the broadcaster(s) you wish to include in your collection. This is done by creating lists on Twitter and adding broadcasters to this list. When you select “Whitelist via Twitter Lists”, you’ll see your Twitter lists populated under the drop down. Select the list you would like to whitelist your collection.

7. “By Date/time” allows you to define the dates of a collection. This is particularly helpful if you are creating a collection for an event. We currently don’t address time zones, so put in the dates and times of your timezone.

8. Click “Create” and now you have your very own Katch collection!

Remember, collecting videos by hashtag should automatically populate over time. If you want to manually add videos to your collection, you may do so by going to your video page or to any public video from any broadcaster on Katch and clicking on the Add to Collection icon.

You can also remove any video from your collection by clicking the red “x” next to the Share icon on any video within your collection (you’ll find these in the lower right hand corner of each video).

Check out some of these great collections created by the Katch community:

Collections and Favorites are available right now on Katch. If you aren’t a Katch user yet, you should sign up because it’s awesome and free.




Katch was a frictionless app to save and discover live mobile video. Katch served decades of video to 1.3M users a month. Katch stopped service on May 4th, 2016