Katch is celebrating two months of incredible growth with six new features

Six new Katch features to make your streams sing

4 min readOct 1, 2015


Katch is the easiest way to save and share your live streams. Katch makes streams permanent, measurable, and distributable. Today we’re announcing six features to make it even easier and more powerful for live streamers to share their stories with the world. But first, a little thanks to our growing community.

Katch is growing

We measure our success by how much of your video gets watched, that way we grow together.

Katch has grown over 1,000% since July. That’s 30% week over week for the past 10 weeks! Thanks to you, people are watching nearly 100 days of video on Katch every single day. This includes folks from around the world and personalities like Dick Vitale, media outlets like HuffPost Live, and brands like Mercedes Benz. We thank all of you for making such amazing videos. Your feedback and recommendations directly drive the innovation and features here at Katch, including those we’re highlighting today.

Hearts and Comments

This is the all new Katch player and it’s amazing. Comments now sync up with video, and heart-counts accumulate throughout playback. Comments and hearts will even catch up and sync when you fast forward and rewind. Our new player is best experienced in Chrome (make sure you have the latest version of Flash installed).

We rewrote the Katch player from the ground up. It allows for scrubbing and real-time updating of hearts and comments.

Here’s what our new player looks like full screen:

Full Screen view of the Katch 3.0 player

In case you were wondering, we still keep a tab for broadcasters so you can see every comment. As always, usernames and avatars are linked to their Twitter handles for easy follow up with your audience.

We keep a tab for broadcasters to see every comment after your stream ends.


Katch now supports landscape formats on desktop. As your Periscope stream switches orientation, so does our new player!

Landscape in fullscreen looks pretty great too.

Beautiful landscape view of the New York City skyline from @whimsyandspice

Troll Control

Unfortunately the internet has trolls. We empower you to delete the trolls on your replays. When you log into your katch.me profile page, you’ll see an ‘x’ next to every comment.

New Embeddable Player

Want to maximize your distribution? All the updates on our new player apply to our embeddable player. It supports hearts, comments & landscape mode.

The new Katch embeddable player

Search 0.1

We’re making it increasingly easy for everyone to find you and your content. First up—a search bar for finding broadcasters. This is just the tip of the iceberg for content discovery, so stay tuned for much more.

Search for your friends on Katch by name or Twitter handle

Never Miss Another Katch

Forget to hit that Twitter bird before your broadcast? Want to help a friend who hasn’t signed up for Katch save her stream after the fact? As long as a Periscope replay is up, even after you end your live stream, you can Katch it!

To save any replay, simply tweet it out with #katch in your title and we’ll save it. Boom. As always, Katch respects broadcaster’s wishes — if you share someone else’s stream with a #katch, they’ll still have to approve it before it’s saved.

Now anyone can katch. Even after the fact, with Katch from share!

We like hearing from you

Remember, Katch is a user-powered service. We all win when you create and share great videos. As long as you keep creating great content, we promise to continue building tools to help you shine and help your audience find you. Please get in touch if you have feature requests or bug reports —we love hearing from you!




Katch was a frictionless app to save and discover live mobile video. Katch served decades of video to 1.3M users a month. Katch stopped service on May 4th, 2016