4 Weirdly Creative Ways to Use Augmented Reality in Marketing

How to surprise with AR when everyone got used to it already

Kate Novytska
4 min readJul 10, 2020

You know these times when a brand creates an AR app, people download it to check out, click a few times but then understand they don’t have any use for it and delete? It’s fun, but one time is enough.

Augmented reality is one of the biggest trends right now.

And a lot of brands are so eager to do it.

It is a technology that overlays digital content onto a physical world. AR is now at its rise, and it will only become more popular and developed. People will come up with more innovative ideas and ways to use it in marketing, advertising, and other industries.

But AR is more than fun games. It’s more than pictures on the packaging coming to life. It’s more than Instagram masks.

It can become an opportunity to bring unique experiences to your customers. It can drive sales, boost a brand’s visibility on the market, entertain.

We’ll look at four examples of creative uses of AR.

Some examples are older, some newer. But what unites them is they all have a unique idea. They all used AR not because “it’s cool, let’s do it,” they used it as an instrument in a bigger campaign…



Kate Novytska

Creative copywriter. Passionate about advertising, marketing, personal growth, and traveling the world. Let’s get to know each other https://bit.ly/2SidMzU