Skilled communication as a socially significant activity

Kate Hammer
#NoDust on Brexit
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2016

View from London, England a few days after the Referendum result

Tweeted Jul 12, 2016

Gee, I wonder if — at last — the world will start to regard skilled communication as a socially significant activity?

How would this shit-storm be different if:

1) Central Government had not taken disengagement or preference for the status quo for granted

2) And invested in educating people about what an advisory referendum means in constitutional law

3) And explained clearly the role of both parliaments and civil services in shaping and enacting policy

4) And taken seriously that EU heads of state of EU commissioners might have their own national agendas in mind in determining how they would conduct formal or informal negations with Britain….

5) And transparently explained, locality by locality, how services and initiatives are funded; and what changing funding streams would entail in practice….

6) And taken scenarios from major employers about the likely impact on domestic employment and domestic expansion plans would be if Britain were not to remain part of the Common Market

7) And if an independent media with major reach had repeatedly asked about HOW an exit would be implemented, to what estimated costs and on what timescale, and with what provisions for Europeans living in Britain and Britons living in Europe…..

That’s what skilled communication can achieve.

*Spin* is vulgar, and breeds ignorance by feeding myopia.
I’m talking about something different. I’m talking about skilled communication.

Skilled communication assumes the legitimacy of multiple perspectives. AND: Skilled communication asks relevant questions, and listens to the answers.
AND: Skilled communication checks facts, and uses sound evidence.
AND: Skilled communication is curious, and makes connections. And: Skilled communication is the seedbed for empathy.

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Wonder what else I do? I’m a story and change designer, creator of storyFORMing, and co-inventor of KILN’s IdeaKeg. I teach entrepreneurial mindset, and help people learn how to lift the ceiling of what’s possible.
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Kate Hammer
#NoDust on Brexit

semiotician using human sciences to power innovation @, clarity+courage coach, commercial storyteller