Kate Kaiser
1 min readApr 5, 2023


Last weekend at a H&M clothing store,

I tried on teenage dresses on this older-ish body,

Trying to recapture my teenage waist line.

What was my approaching-60 mind thinking?

Now I watch Jane Fonda on the TV show,

Grace & Frankie — closely.

Searching for middle-age clothing tips

That will redirect eyes up, up and away from

My belly, which carried two beautiful children

But now looks, if I am wearing something tight,

Like I’m in the 1st trimester of carrying a 3rd child.

I’ve never had a weight problem until menopause.

(Sidenote: Why are the men in our pause?)

As I quietly grapple with this physical change, while

Staring at my 25-year-old daughter, sized: 36–26–36,

I sometimes get, what I will acknowledge as, waist-envy.

Did I appreciate my hourglass shape when I had it?


I tightened those belts while wearing Jordache jeans,

I wore those dresses that said,

Yes, I have a waist line, look at me!

But now, I choose flowy tops, which never get tucked in.

Black which is slimming, Pepulm tops

And vertical stripes, which elongate.

Am I OK with this change? Not-so-much, yet.

But, I know I am not alone.

So please, holler back if you have a little waist-envy too!

