Typography: Craig Ward

Kate Booth
2 min readOct 17, 2017


“This British-born typography artist and one of the most influential typography designers is extremely talented when it comes to creating attention-grabbing letterforms.

He uses an extensive range of media and equipment, generating stunning outcomes and effects. One of his most ambitious pieces is titled ‘You Blow Me Away’ which he collaborated with kinetic still-life photographer Jason Tozer to create.

With the type screen printed onto sheets of glass, they fired various objects through them and photographed the scenes at various stages. The results were both unique and incredible.

Ward is also well known for his piece titled ‘Bad Typography Is Everywhere’ which highlights in a visually clever way the fact that the world is so full of bad typography artwork that people often don’t notice the good.”


Website title: Inkbot

Article title: 5 Typography artists worth following

URL: http://inkbotdesign.com/5-typography-artists-worth-following/

