Fridays Are The Best Day of the Week

River Iley
2 min readJun 24, 2016


There has never been more accurate.

Everyone loves Fridays — it’s all the radio hosts talk about (does anyone even listen to the radio anymore?) and it marks the promise of a relaxing weekend. For me, it means I get to spend some more time working on my weekend project.

During the week, we learn as much as can be crammed into our heads and then are given one evening to work on an assignment before cramming in even more knowledge. It feels like racing down the highway with no traffic (unheard of in Austin) and missing a lot of the potentially cool landmarks, scenery, and shops. Starting on Friday, I get to sleep in a little, come in and do a meditation exercise with my cohort mates, and move around campus working on my project until I get stuck and end up hovering next to my instructor, Justin. Coding feels more like a way of life on Fridays instead of an assignment. It’s not technically more relaxed, but the different way Fridays are run at The Iron Yard make it feel that way.

Don’t get me wrong, diving into Ruby every morning four days a week and trying to learn as much as possible is a good way to start my days. But there’s something about Friday that feels more balanced, like it’s a test run for life after school. And while I still bang on my keyboard sometimes (most of the time) thinking, “I have no idea what I’m doing right now,” that’s a feeling I’m starting to get used to and even embrace. Am I allowed to feel like a real developer a little?

