The art of Charisma

4 ways to master charisma — Lure People In

Kate Furtado
3 min readOct 16, 2023
Source: Canva, a person smiling

Have you ever wondered how certain people are able to cast spells on you. You can’t help it, they’re magnetic energy radiates, filling the whole room. You can notice them in crowded situations, they stand out. These are the people who’ve mastered the craft of Charisma, living you curious to know more about theses peculiar beings.

Here are 4 ways you can master this art:

#1 Let others be your main focus

Source: Canva, a lady listening and paying close attention to another lady

Humans desired to be heard, they want to be acknowledged. We are quickly able to grasp whether a person listening to us is paying us full attention, or is focused on their insecurities.

  • Let go of your sense of insecurity
  • Let go of your sense of judgement
  • Open your mind

Being able to do this harnesses your ability to focus on others. It is truly freeing.

#2 Turn your frown, Upside down

Source: Canva, A man smiling

The ability to smile is one of your biggest contributor when it comes to building Charisma. When happens when we smile:

  • We have mirror neurons in our body
  • We mirror the actions of others sub-consciously
  • When we see someone smile, we feel compelled to smile back
  • This makes us feel good
  • The charismatic person is associated with a good memory

So, smile more!

#3 Enthusiasm

Source: Canva, An enthusiastic person

Charismatic people have high levels of zest. You can feel the ‘can do attitude’ that results from this energy. This does not mean that they are extroverts, they can be introverted and have a subtle yet powerful energy.

  • The willingness to obtain the ‘impossible’
  • Oriented towards optimistic thinking
  • Filled with energy

These are ways to implement enthusiasm.

#4 Humility

Source: Canva, a grateful man

We as humans are prone to believing in lack. Whether it be a lack of resources, love, joy. It is this belief that can trap us in a cycle on competition, the place where we are in ‘survival’ mode. Charismatic people, seem to need nothing, yet have everything. Their humility comes in the form of gratitude:

  • Thankfulness for what already exists
  • Ability to honour and respect those younger and older
  • Ability to honour and respect those with different beliefs

If you can honour all things, you can ground yourself down. Grounding is the key to humility.

Personal take:

Some highly charismatic people I’ve known are usually genuine. For instance, Keanu Reeves, he exudes charisma. Maybe, his humility is shining through, how can someone be so humble and a genius at his art. It could be the humility itself that got him there. Another is Jimin from BTS, there is a confidence in the way he moves, especially during his practices. He had to specialise in different forms of dancing, such as contemporary dance, which conveys tones of emotions.

I hope you enjoyed this Article!



Kate Furtado

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