Kate Johnson
3 min readMar 31, 2020


kroTips to Design a Cloakroom Suite at Your Home

Cloakroom suites have become a prevalent approach to having an additional washroom with a restroom and bowl which is an extraordinary method of relieving pressure on the family’s main toilet, particularly on those busy weekday mornings. Even the smallest of rooms, cloakroom suites can be added, so that you prepare well and have near tender loving care. Because of all the space-saving things that are currently available, you don’t need a lot of space to have the option of adding a restroom and bath. A cloakroom suite will also help to increase your home’s value and make it slowly attractive to any future purchase.

Check the place

Before choosing any items for your cloakroom suite, make sure that you accurately calculate the accessible space and double-check your estimates as every piece correlates, particularly in a small room. Since your washroom is probably the smallest room in your house. There are currently more space-saving toilets and bowls in recent memory than any other time. Which are designed to help make space-saving inside your bathroom or cloakroom simpler than at any other time?

Also, think about the overall look and feel you need to make in your cloakroom suite; OK, prefer a smooth, current look or maybe something ever more conventional? Taking a gander at your home’s contemporary stylistic style and designing your cloakroom suite around this concept is a good thought; you could also look around for some inspiring ideas in showrooms and inside structure magazines.

Toilet and basin

Choosing a can and bowl for your cloakroom suite can be a difficult decision to make because there are so many different types and configurations that are available in recent memory as they are at any time. An important aspect to think about when choosing a restroom is the way it anticipates from front to back; a few toilets measure only 600 mm, which helps to maximize the room on the floor. Divider hanging toilets are ideal for offering the impression of an increasingly open cloakroom suite, and as the dish hangs off the splitter, it makes it look simple today.

A hanging divider can also conceal a concealed reservoir, which gives a moderate look. Alternatively, back-to-divider toilets are an excellent way to achieve a slowly open feel in a cloakroom suite as the storage can be placed in the divider or a reservoir furniture unit on the other side.

Bowls are available in a vast array of types and sizes, and you can make sure to find an appropriate alternative for the room you have. Cloakroom bowls were explicitly built for small spaces, and have minimal measurements to help improve the room. Cloakroom bowls range in size from an ultra-conservative 35 cm to an increasingly large 50 cm, and some even feature a helpful edge so you can put your toiletries in. Usually, a cloakroom bowl includes a chrome bottle trap or a semi-platform which gives the dream of more floor space and also makes cleaning a lot easier!

Trendy designs

Remembering bathroom furniture for a cloakroom suite is proving to be increasingly well known, as there is currently a wide variety of reduced vanity units available. These components are a thin line design and show a lot of space for your toiletries, and you can browse through a variety of finishes to create a look that suits you.

Completing contacts are what will help improve your cloakroom suite’s look and feel; a cloakroom tap in trend is ideal for small spaces, and a warm towel can keep it comfortable and inviting. The Royal bathrooms offer a fantastic facility of free home delivery and much more.



Kate Johnson

Kate is a professional writer who holds a master’s degree in creative writing. She loves blogging, reading and writing and is a self-proclaimed ‘bloggerholic’.