What do you know… about Down Syndrome?

Kate Lacour
3 min readOct 20, 2016


Check your understanding and get the facts

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Take this quiz to test your knowledge about this common and often misunderstood condition

What causes Down Syndrome?

A. In-vitro exposure to elevated hormone levels.

B. Hereditary factors.

C. A genetic condition, which occurs during fetal development.

D. The cause of Down Syndrome is unknown.

Answer: C

Down Syndrome is the result of having an extra copy of chromosome 21, which leads to a series of changes in development that result in the characteristic traits of Down Syndrome. Only 1–3% of Down Syndrome cases are inherited; this genetic pattern usually arises during fetal development.

How common is Down Syndrome in the United States?

A. 1 in 700 babies is born with Down Syndrome.

B. 1 in 100 babies is born with Down Syndrome.

C. 1 in 2,000 babies is born with Down Syndrome.

D. 1 in 1,000 babies is born with Down Syndrome.

Answer: A

Down Syndrome is the single most common chromosomal condition.

At what age does a woman’s likelihood of bearing a child with Down Syndrome increase?

A. 30 years

B. 35 years

C. 40 years

D. None of he above

Answer: D

The likelihood of having a child with Down Syndrome continually increases with a woman’s age, beginning very low at age 20 (1 in 1,667) and increasing each year. By age 35, the odds are estimated to be 1 in 356 and by age 40 to be 1 in 100.

What physical characteristics are common in Down Syndrome?

A. Shorter stature

B. Upward slanting eyes

C. Smaller hands with a palmar crease

D. All of the above

Answer: D

Other characteristics include smoother facial features and poor muscle tone. Although common, such physical features are not universal. Each person with Down Syndrome is unique and traits considered “typical” of the condition may be more or less pronounced in any individual.

What medicalcomplications are common in those with Down Syndrome?

A. Allergies, gastrointestinal upset and rashes

B. Heart, vision and hearing issues

C. Balance, coordination and insomnia

D. Arthritis, kidney and liver conditions

Answer: B

Between 50 and 75% of those with Down Syndrome will be affected by each of these commonly co-morbid health factors. Active screening and monitoring is recommended to detect and treat these conditions.

What is the prognosis for an individual diagnosed with Down Syndrome?

A. Those with Down Syndrome will require lifelong institutional care.

B. Those with Down Syndrome can typically study, live and work in a special-needs setting.

C. Those with Down Syndrome can typically study, live and work in the general community.

D. Those with Down Syndrome will require lifelong care by their families.

Answer: C

Those with autism can and do learn, work and participate in the mainstream community. Some individuals may receive extra support, such as the services of a life skills instructor or job coach.


“What is Down Syndrome?” National Down Syndrome Society, http://www.ndss.org/down-syndrome/what-is-down-syndrome/. Accessed Oct. 19, 2016.

“Facts About Down Syndrome.” Centers for Disease Control, http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/birthdefects/DownSyndrome.html. Accessed Oct. 19, 2016.

“Down Syndrome.” Family Doctor.org, http://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/diseases-conditions/down-syndrome.printerview.all.html. Accessed Oct. 19, 2016.

For more information on Down Syndrome, visit:

National Down Syndrome Society

National Association for Down Syndrome

National Down Syndrome Congress

