A GetAround Experiment

Katelin Schroeder
1 min readSep 3, 2015

I’ve been sharing my car on GetAround for 150 days, I’ve made $2,660.23. That’s $17.39/day.

I own my car but I live in San Francisco, so finding parking is sort of like a part-time job. I can’t move my car every 2 hours but I also can’t register for a residential parking permit. A dedicated parking spot for a car I use once a month is ridiculous. But, a dedicated parking spot for a car that makes me money might make sense.


GetAround earnings: $2,660
Insurance: $334
Servicing (new rotors, new shocks, oil changes): $580
Dedicated Parking Spot: $784
GetAround Car Kit: $237

Total profit: $725

Average Earnings per Mile = $0.30

Year End Projections

GetAround earnings: $6,346
Insurance: $784
Servicing: $1000
Dedicated Parking Spot: $1904
GetAround Car Kit: $377

Total profit: $2281

Car value at start — 90,845 miles — $6,485
Car value at end of year — 112,060 miles — $5,680
(Down $805)

I love that I can still use my car when I want and that it isn’t sitting idle during the rest of the month. + the added income for something I already own and can still use.

Sign up for GetAround to share your car.

