What is a ghost ring?

A ghost ring is a type of handgun sight that was developed in the 1950s. The ghost ring uses an aperture and a post to improve accuracy when shooting at close range. This article will answer some common questions about ghost rings, including how they work and the advantages of using them on handguns.

Katelyn Brown
3 min readNov 6, 2021

Can ghost rings be mounted to other types of guns besides handguns and shotguns, such as rifles or machine guns?

No, they cannot because the mounting would not fit properly on different sized firearms. They have been made into sights that can go on airsoft weapons but those kind of equipment typically need more repairs then other kinds so it isn’t worth buying them unless you know how to repair your own equipment if there is any damage done from use over time. In addition, many companies make adapters so their customers can ghost ring sights on their guns and also put regular iron sites on it as well to give them options.

You can purchase ghost rings for your gun at several online retailers, such as Amazon.com or Brownells firearms website. You can buy generic ghost ring sights or specific models made by well-known manufacturers like Trijicon and XS Sights. It’s a good idea to consult with someone who has used these products before you make any purchases so that you get exactly what will work best for your firearm specifically because the ghost ring size varies depending on the type of gun that is being fitted with it.

However there are some universal sizes available but they may not fit perfectly onto every kind of handgun out there unfortunately without an adapter which would have to be purchased separately. You can also buy ghost ring sights that are made for specific guns from the companies that manufacture those firearms as well so you have a double-check on compatibility if they sell ghost ring versions of their products with adapters included in some cases.

Do ghost rings really improve accuracy at close range?

You might not think ghost rings would really improve accuracy at close range but it’s actually been proven by studies and actual shooters who use them regularly do swear by what they say is improved accuracy downrange because ghost rings allow people to focus more quickly which helps lead to better aim due to quicker target acquisition along with increased precision overall when using these kinds of gun sites instead of regular iron ones. They provide an unobstructed view even during low light conditions than other styles, making them good choices for night-time shooters or when the light is dim in general.

How to Use a Ghost Ring Sight?

Ghost rings can be used on handguns and shotguns but not rifles because they are designed for specific firearm types only such as pistols, revolvers, and some kinds of shotguns like pump action ones typically although there may be ghost ring sights made for others out there too if you look around enough to find them so it can’t hurt to check into that possibility even further before ultimately deciding what kind of ghost ring sight(s) will work best with your gun type especially if you plan on using different firearms interchangeably instead of just one at a time.

Photo by Andrew Coop on Unsplash

You might need ghost ring sights that fit onto adapters which would require more purchases than buying actual separate ghost ring sites themselves depending on how many ghost ring sights you want to have for your different guns. You can ghost rings on airsoft weapons as well but it isn’t worth buying them unless you know how to repair the equipment yourself if there is any damage done from using your weapon regularly over time since many of these products don’t last long enough for them to be a good investment in most cases especially considering the cost of ghost ring sites compared with regular iron ones so it’s usually best just going with those instead because they are cheaper and more reliable overall if purchased correctly.

