Dealing With Exam Stress And Anxiety

Kate Mackay
5 min readApr 21, 2022

An 8 Tip Teacher Guide To Dealing With Exam Stress And Anxiety For Parents And Students

Exams are really important, they are the framework through which schools, colleges and universities measure how much you have learnt. They are essential for getting good grades and making sure that you earn a place in your chosen degree program. And yet, exams can be stressful and anxiety-inducing — which is why we’ve come up with some exam stress tips that will help you through and lower your anxiety! Parents, this article is for you to so you can help your teenager which they are dealing with exam stress and anxiety.

A child sitting revising for an exam looking stressed and anxious
Photo by cottonbro:

Parent Tip 1 — Dealing with exam stress and anxiety early is important

Anxiety is a normal emotional response to a stressful situation. However, if it is not dealt with properly, it can develop into a problem so it is important for parents, students and teachers to spot the sign early. If your child is showing signs of anxiety or exam stress, then it is important that you speak with them about it. The best way to go about this is by having a conversation, rather than trying to fix it over text. It is important to let your child know that they are not alone, and that they don’t have to be afraid.

Parent Tip 2 — Help Your Child When They Are Dealing With Exam Stress And Anxiety

When you notice that your child is showing signs of anxiety, instead of thinking that they are bad at their exams or that they don’t deserve that grade, try and help them. By doing this, you are creating a positive change in their mindset.

Asking your child what they are worried about, and why they think they are anxious is the best way to start. Let them know that everyone gets nervous before exams, and that it is OK to feel this way.

If your child is feeling very anxious, then it is important that they talk to someone. There are many services and support groups available for students going through exam stress and anxiety.

Students Tip 1— Be kind To Yourself

When we are feeling anxious before an exam, it is easy to forget about ourselves and judge ourselves harshly. You should try and keep an open mind about your own feelings, and remember that everyone goes through it.

Be kind to yourself by giving yourself some time to relax and not stressing about your exams too much. Additionally, make a list of all the reasons why you deserve the grades you have been receiving.

Parent tip 3 — Keep it in perspective

While you may be worried about your child’s exam stress and anxiety, it is important to keep it in perspective. Yes, it is a difficult situation and it may be affecting them negatively, but it is not a reason to worry.

Remember that it is not the end of the world, and that they are still a person with feelings and emotions. It is OK to worry, but it is not OK to put too much pressure on yourself or your child.

Student Tip 2 — Lower Stress With Good Revision Habits

Now that we have dealt with how to help your child when they are dealing with exam stress, let’s move onto revision habits. There are a few key things that you need to remember in order for revision to be effective.

- Make it meaningful — Make it interactive — Make it fun — Make it routine


Tips For Parents and Students — Get Support When Anxiety Levels Are High

If the anxiety that you or your child is going through becomes too much, or you and they do not find any help, it is important that you get support. There are many services and support groups available for students going through exam stress and anxiety.

A good place to start is by asking the school counsellor if they can recommend any resources to you. Alternatively, you can also try looking online. There are plenty of support groups and websites available, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find one that works for you and your family.

The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. Everyone faces exam stress and anxiety, so by connecting with others you will not only feel better, but you will also be able to get the support that you need.

Another source of support is getting a tutor. A tutor can help structure your students revision and can help them make the best use of their time. A tutor can provide that one to one support that a classroom teacher can. This means they can tackle any issues you or your child specifically have. They can cover key concepts you need to learn or exam technique. This can all help your teenager which they are dealing with exam stress and anxiety.

a computer screen showing a statistic about exam stress and anxiety
Stat taken from —

Listen Up! Higher Stress Comes With Bad Habit Patterns

If you are not getting the help that you need, or your child is not getting the help that they need, then it is time for you to get help. There are many organisations and services available that can help students with exam stress and anxiety.

You can also find support online via social media groups and websites, as well as self-help books. Most importantly, you should remember that you are not alone, so try and connect with others.

Photo by Julia M Cameron:

Get A Professional Helping You With Exam Stress And Anxiety

If you are still struggling with exam stress and anxiety after reading this article, then it might be time to get a professional help with it. We all deserve to be happy and healthy, and if you are not allowing exam stress to ruin your life, then you should probably reach out for help.

There is no shame in getting professional help, as it is a sign that you are ready for change. You do not deserve to be living in the midst of exam stress and anxiety, and you should be ashamed if you are not getting help.


Exam stress and anxiety is something that almost every student goes through at some point in their academic career. It can be crippling for some, while others show very few signs of it. If you notice that your child is showing signs of anxiety, then you should try and help them, rather than judging them. Additionally, make sure that they get support when their anxiety levels become too much.



Kate Mackay

Tech enthusiast, EdTech advocate, science teacher, 360 amature photographer, part-time writer and full-time learner.