PinnedPublished inHealth and ScienceHow Relationships are formed, our fixation with Romantic Relationships, finding the “ONE” explained.What is the difference between Mature, Fusional, Teenger love. Learn how to identify resources, abundance, and value in relationships…May 9, 20248May 9, 20248
PinnedPublished inHealth and ScienceSexual Desire: Frequency and IntensityAddressing the mismatch of sexual desire in relationshipsApr 19, 20245Apr 19, 20245
PinnedPublished inHealth and ScienceAnger, Aggression, and Vulnerability in Sexual Intimacy.Sexual and emotional intimacy.Apr 26, 20242Apr 26, 20242
PinnedPublished inReaders HopeWhat is EGO, and why do we need it? Psychological EGO/Spiritual EGO.The necessity of the psychological Ego and the dissolution of the spiritual Ego.Apr 12, 20241Apr 12, 20241
ART — the vital expression of the self.It is through art that we hold onto our memories, remain present, and build our future. Art stands as a witness to life’s truths — a…Dec 4, 20241Dec 4, 20241
Witch Archetype- the feared parts of the psyche.The dark side of history: Great Mother/Mother archetype, Witch Hunts, and the Legacy of the outsider woman.Nov 10, 2024Nov 10, 2024
Doubt: Its evolutionary role in shaping humanity.Doubt, an evolutionary mind-and-heart tool, has led us to this moment in history, but our ability to hold opposing viewpoints and discern…Oct 29, 20241Oct 29, 20241
Published inHealth and SciencePart V: Polyamory, Monogamy and other types of bonds explained: Infidelity and Betrayal.“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”-SenecaOct 19, 20241Oct 19, 20241
Part I: Exploring the Unconscious Through Active imagination-Alchemy, Tarot, Astrology and Dreams —…The dual way we Shape our World: Logic and Intuition working together. Individuation to Wholeness. The “alchemist” archetype.Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2024
Published inHealth and ScienceThere are Love Stories, Life Stories, and the Story of All Things: Carbon — cosmic pattern maker…This is a bedtime story about how we became (immortals).Sep 12, 20242Sep 12, 20242