Product discovery guide : Plan, Deliver and Evaluate

Kateřina Mňuková
3 min readJun 4, 2023


We have the priorities, we can create plan to deliver the ideas. But don’t forget that product development is never ending story. When we implemented the ideas, we regularly checked, if it works, how does it contribute to goals.

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

This article is part of Product Discovery Guide Series:

Topic • Overloaded Customer Care

  1. Product Discovery Guide Series : Intro
  2. Product Discovery Guide: Identify the problem
  3. Product Discovery Guide : Desk research and goals
  4. Product discovery guide : Brainstorm and Prioritise
  5. Product discovery guide : Plan, Deliver and Evaluate

Evaluate on the go

We managed to deliver within 6 months these ideas from the plan:

  1. Highlight the chatbot
  2. Put chatbot in the menu
  3. Customer service page
  4. Automatic response to emails
  5. Contact form with predefined topics
  6. E-mail classifier

What were the results?

After implementing first ideas from grid “Now” and “How” we sat up together and evaluated if we are on the right track. We did not see any significant changes in the numbers but emotionally we felt the improvement.

After implementing the ideas from Grid “How” — we felt the difference even in numbers, the number of emails decreased by 40% and we managed to keep the first response time under 24hours.

Did we reached the initial goal? NO.
Are we proud of what we've achieved? HELL YES!

Celebrate small successes, the goals are numbers to help you to keep focus and evaluate if you are on the right way and even if you reach the goal. It does not mean, you should stop trying to improve.

What if you won't reach you goals?

Take the lessons learned, learn from your mistakes and try again. That's what is it also about — fail fast, learn fast.

So what's next?

Even though we all agreed with customer care department, we did amazing job, there is always space for improvement :) After the next seasons was over, we sat up together again and start thinking. How can we improve implemented ideas and came up with new ideas to consider for development. Product discovery never ends and that's the beauty of it :) The process starts all over again.

Did you try your own Product Discovery with me? Let me know what worked well and what would you improve next time.



Kateřina Mňuková

Product manager & Agile enthusiast * keen on everything related to digital products, data, CX, UCD and people with the same mindset