Finding Middle Ground in Your Relationship

Kate Stellar ✨
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Let’s face it, every relationship hits those rocky patches where you and your partner just can’t seem to see eye to eye. Whether it’s about where to eat, how to spend money, or even which Netflix series to binge-watch, conflicts are inevitable.

It’s not about one person always getting their way; it’s about finding that sweet middle ground that keeps you both satisfied, without feeling like your relationship is an obligation.

So how can you spice up your love life, where both of you are willing to make adjustments for the greater good of your partnership, and both of you are in sync?

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1. Sharing is Caring

Lay out what both of you ultimately, authentically desire. Whether it’s a decision about finances, chores, or social plans, pinpoint your shared goals. Ask yourselves:

  • What’s the endgame for both of us?
  • How can we achieve this in a way that honors both our needs?

2. Honestly, Talk It Out

The foundation of any great compromise is open and honest communication. Here’s how to keep the conversation flowing:

  • Be clear and direct.

Don’t beat around the bush. Say what you need and why it matters. Ambiguity is the enemy of understanding.

  • Listen like you mean it.

Put down the phone, make eye contact, and really hear what your partner is saying. Show empathy and acknowledge their feelings.

  • Stay cool and collected.

Even when the topic is hot, keep your cool. Respect breeds respect, and it’s easier to reach a compromise when tempers aren’t flaring.

3. Master the Give and Take

Relationship is a two-way street. It’s about balance — sometimes you bend a little, other times your partner does. Here’s how you can navigate this:

  • Pick your battles.

Not everything is worth a showdown. Decide what’s truly important and what you can let slide.

  • Take turns.

Alternate who gets the final say on different matters. This keeps things fair, each partner accountable, and prevents one person from always feeling like they’re losing out.

  • Get creative.

Think outside the box to find solutions that work uniquely for both of you. Sometimes the best compromises are the ones you never saw coming.

4. Bring on the Empathy and Patience

Understanding and patience are your best allies in compromise. Recognize that your partner’s needs and desires are just as important as yours, and your relationship is a co-creation.

By seeing things from each other’s perspective, you’ll find it easier to reach a mutually satisfying solution. And remember, good things take time — don’t rush the process.

5. Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

A healthy compromise respects boundaries. Clearly define your non-negotiables and honor each other’s limits. This ensures that neither of you feels like you’re obligated or sacrificing your personal core values or needs.

6. Check In and Adjust

After you’ve reached an agreement, don’t set it and forget it. Regularly check in with each other to see if the solution is working. Relationships are ever-evolving, and what works today might need a tweak tomorrow. Keep the lines of communication open and be ready to adjust as needed.

Remember, compromise isn’t about losing — it’s about creating a win-win situation that brings you closer together through any differences.

The quality of your relationship shapes the quality of your life.

By striking a perfect balance that keeps your relationship strong, you can break walls of resentment that can stifle the joy and connection you share… and above all, enjoy the dance!


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Kate Stellar ✨

LOVE. PLEASURE. PURPOSE. ⚡️ Mystic healer, Human Design reader & Holistic Sexuality coach