How To Be In Control While You Surrender To The Flow

This Week’s Human Design Transmission of Gears 9 and 5 + The Influence of Saturn and Capricorn

Kate Stellar ✨
5 min readDec 5, 2023
Photo by Tharoushan Kandarajah on Unsplash

The last month of 2023 is here! 🎉

For these -ber months, every 2 gates (out of hundred probabilities) are transiting each of my planets until the end of the year. What are the chances of that? Wowza!

I’ll hit two birds with one stone here with Gate 9 (Focus) and Gate 5 (Rituals/Patterns/Fixed Rhythms), both my limit or Saturn gates.

Ah, Father Saturn. “What stress?” he asks, “I eat stress for breakfast,” then serves you a platter.

Since my Sun sign is in Capricorn — its ruler Saturn is pretty much my Masculine homie. It’s an energy that I can stride with thoughtlessly, but tread carefully as it comes with a destructive shadow.

The Old

If you’re someone with a dominant Capricorn in your chart, you might be familiar with this obsessive energy to push and rise above the limits, and can’t sit still when things are going easy. Problems to fix probably give you a hit?

I recall my dad advising me to “focus on one thing!”, but that didn’t resonate with my nature. I thrived on variety, juggling everything that challenged me. I was stubborn and hungggry for personal growth, yet savage and naive in the emotional landscapes.

Until one day, BOOM!!! As high as I’d gone, I crashed rock bottom down.

My phone buzzed with messages, the unstoppable over-achieving gal everyone relied on has become unreachable, drowning with the stranger that is her tears in a dark corner of the earth alone on Christmas Eve…

That sobering image of my lowest point haunted me, prompting years of getting to know the side of me who is capable to feel, play, and flow.

The New

I consulted my healer/astrologer earlier this year. I shared how my plans seem thwarted with Saturn in my transit, I felt like the days have gone slow and I’ve lost my drive.

She said, “Then take it slow, cruise.” My eyes widened at the unconventional advice. “Take this opportunity to rest as much as you can, because you’re going to be a very busy woman. Don’t resist it.

I reflected on the times when I rushed through an uncomfortable process, and realized the golden nuggets I missed in those small present moments.

Soon, I began to feel the overwhelm of my to-do list creep in. It felt as if Saturn whispered, “You see it now?”

“… I closed those doors for you, so you can open the doors that are meant for you.”

As I hope to have cultivated utmost presence in every moment, I shifted anxiously in my seat, navigating a newfound awareness on how I want my daily, weekly, monthly schedule to feel in my body for the next few months and years.

CONTROL GEAR #1 — Gate 9 of Focus

Gate 9 emphasizes on paying attention to small details. But watch out getting bogged down on details that don’t hold weight from a big perspective. Instead, channel your focus on things that truly matter.

The key to this door is intention, whether you are cruising or speeding in your journey.

Gate 9 is also the energy of the mountaineer who prepares for a climb. He knows that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, but more importantly — every breath counts.

CONTROL GEAR #2 — Gate 5 of Rituals / Patterns

Gate 5 is part of the Rhythms channel (5–15), which is the sexiest channel in my design and the source of my Tantric nature. While Gate 15 is the wild one that hits the extreme high and low of life where others wouldn’t dare go; Gate 5 is like the base and repetitive beats in music.

It plays the game of consistency that anchor us through the extremes of life.

For people with this gate, rituals can really stick. ☑ Daily meditation. ☑ Weekly brainstorming with your team. ☑ A new skill to master each month. You name it.

Now think about the rituals, routines, habits or patterns that you’ve subconsciously declared as FIXED — ones that have compounded in time and no longer serve you.

What kind of self-talk or relational patterns do you practice on a regular basis? If you are checking social media more than 10x a day, or if your afternoon coffee is draining your energy, is it time to cut down?

Once rituals have been initiated, the energy gains momentum, without much force and thought to it.

The Gifts from 9 to 5

The transmission of these gates offers us a shift from obsession to the GIFTS OF DETERMINATION (9) and PATIENCE (5). They share a common thread:

Both are here to play the long game with self-assurance. Both are sacral energies, and their momentum goes on regardless of the weather. We never arrive…

There’s no finish line.

“As long as there is breath in our lungs, our story is still being written.” — Bart Millard

“The real purpose isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the human heart.” — Bill Bowerman

Prompts for This Week:

We can harness this energy combo by doing the following:

  1. Break down the details of where you invest your energy on a daily, weekly, monthly basis; how they are beneficial and balanced for you.
  2. Identify the behavior and belief patterns (perhaps adopted from your lineage or culture) repeated through time that no longer serve you.
  3. Look at your big-picture goals, and make necessary adjustments to your existing rituals or create new ones with intention.

The energy of this week’s transit is supportive in identifying and breaking any pattern, and initiate a momentum of new ones that align with your goals.

So you can feel in control, while you surrender to your ever-changing flow.

Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

For an in-depth Human Design reading and consultation of your energy blueprint, email me at or click here



Kate Stellar ✨

LOVE. PLEASURE. PURPOSE. ⚡️ Mystic healer, Human Design reader & Holistic Sexuality coach