Integrity in Love and Business: Are You Sold or Manipulated?

Human Design Transits In Gate 26 (Salesman) and Gate 11 (Ideas)

Kate Stellar ✨
4 min readDec 17, 2023
Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

We now transit Gates 26 (Salesman) and 11 (Ideas) in Human Design, which are both my revolutionary (Uranus) gates. Uranus is the planet of invention, rebellion, innovation, genius, and eccentricity. The planet rules the visionary humanitarian sign of Aquarius.

The Sexual Dynamics/Cycle of Buying and Selling

Everything in life is a sexual energy exchange, including the buying and selling process:

Feminine: Seller creates and births a product or service into existence…

Masculine: Seller penetrates the market through advertisement, setting up a store, etc.

Feminine: Buyer gets turned on, trusts the Seller, and opens her wallet…

Masculine: Buyer gives energy (money or time) to the Seller.

Feminine: Seller receives the payment…

Masculine: …and hands you the product.

Feminine: Buyer receives the product, and thanks the Seller.

Sexual energy is all around us, here to create and sustain life. Just like in love, the dynamics of buying and selling forms a relationship.

A Manipulative Seller’s Trick: Boosting The Ego

Deep inside, the Feminine — not the gender — has a desire to trust and surrender… especially in love.

I once was head-over-heels crazy in love with a man and our chemistry was through the roof, but so was his boundaries, often crossing mine. Though his actions and words were consistently incongruent, he wanted me to trust him more and would question me like a product user who couldn’t read the manual. Where his integrity lacked, he made up for in fluffy promises.

This type of seller superficially inflates your confidence in order to “close the deal”, without genuine intention and commitment to fulfill their promise. He knows how to reinforce your ego and direct your eyes towards an elusive prize to keep you invested… up until you realize how much your bodymind state has deteriorated.

Well, that is no different with many brands and products today.

While mistakes and troubles are inevitable in any business or love relationship, a seller of integrity works hard to correct them. A manipulative seller works hard to further protect only himself.

But with authenticity on the rise in the Age of Aquarius, more conscious buyers can see right through the bullshit.

Gate 26: The Sacred Salesman

Gate 26 is part of the entrepreneurial channel, connected with Gate 44. The latter is the energy of the Entrepreneur who has the ability to listen to the tribe’s past lessons. Gate 26 is the Salesperson who knows the tribe’s needs and patterns, and uses tribal memory to tailor their message.

When this energy is used without integrity, it can “trick people” to sell an idea or product for the Seller’s sole gain. This happens when the Seller operates from a scarcity mindset, and believes that life is every man for himself. A Seller who operates from an abundance mindset believes that others’ gain is his gain, and everyone can win together.

Gate 11: The Factory of Ideas

If you have this gate, then it’s likely that you are a big factory of ideas… some meant for you, and some meant for others. The chance that your ideas can be taken with or without credit comes with the 11th gate. It has a sense of quiet influence that ripples.

I have a love-hate relationship with gate 11 that I’m still working on. As a line 2 hermit in Human Design which I share with my son, most of our best ideas are born not from education, but from our caves. Our internal processes are very intricate, that when people who haven’t embodied them create programs or businesses out of such ideas, it saddens me to see them diluted or fabricated.

And while not everything we give has a price tag, a little thank you note for something that has inspired you or empowered you to create something new goes a long way.

What Are You Truly Investing In?

After giving birth to my daughter about 10 years ago, I took night classes for my Master in Business specializing in Marketing. It involved numerous papers on statistical research designed to understand what different markets want and need.

But most people do not buy (or know) what they truly want and need. And that’s what manipulators love to target. Many people buy surface-level results for now, instant gratifications, and temporary solutions.

We live in a society that spends their time and money to be soothed, often finding themselves back in a loop. And 50 or so years later, most people are still stuck in that loop.

When you see yourself as a worthy investment, you know that your soul needs more than just soothing. Your soul deserves smoothing like a diamond in the rough.

Photo by Tahlia Doyle on Unsplash

Any investment you make in love or business creates a ripple of your true worth and potential. So consider building awareness on these three things…

Whatever you sell or invest your time, money, and energy on:

  • sows more seeds of love and self-love
  • supports your purpose
  • adds more life to your years

Because underneath a person’s desire for a product, a better relationship, or greater success is humanity’s innate need for love, purpose, and to be alive.

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If you are ready to invest in yourself towards a transformational journey of higher vibrational love, pleasure, and purpose… you may book a free discovery call with me through email at or click on this link



Kate Stellar ✨

LOVE. PLEASURE. PURPOSE. ⚡️ Mystic healer, Human Design reader & Holistic Sexuality coach