Chris Brogan gives tips for building an online community [video]

Kate Volman
3 min readAug 8, 2016


How would you like to create a community of fans who adore your business so much that if you stopped sharing content with them, they would send emails asking where you are? Sound impossible? It’s not. And Chris Brogan is just the man to show you how to do it.

Be sure to watch our video interview below to hear his impactful story.

I’ve been following Chris’s work for years. I don’t quite remember how I stumbled upon his creative genius, but I do know that once I found him, I couldn’t get enough of his practical tips and strategies for small businesses.

As the president of Owner Media Group, Chris provides simple plans and projects for business success. He is also a highly sought after professional speaker and The New York Times bestselling author of eight books. He’s working on a new book right now and for the first time ever, he shares what it’s going to be about in our interview. How’s that for an exclusive!

Chris Brogan Owner Media Group
Owner Media Group founder Chris Brogan offers some sage advice about using social media for business: “I’ve always said the same thing about social media, it’s not about the mic (which tool you use) it’s about how you connect with people and earn their attention.”

I had the opportunity to meet Chris face-to-face at Hubspot’s Inbound conference last year — which was a real treat because I already felt like we were friends. He is the same man in person as you expect him to be after reading his content or watching one of his webinars.

Kate Volman Chris Brogan
Kate Volman and Chris Brogan at Hubspot’s Inbound conference

Q&A with Chris Brogan

“If you can do stuff to keep showing the community you serve that you are there for them, you stand out almost immediately.” ~ Chris Brogan

During our interview, Chris shares:

How to build better relationships with your current community (clients and customers).

The one thing that is more important than productivity. (Hint: “Any tool you’re going to use to make interesting content, it always has to be in service to the people you are trying to help.”)

Why email marketing is not dead and every business should be building a list.

How to stop working off a to-do list and start getting more important work done.

Check out the interview here:

I know, I know. I gushed a bit about Chris at the end there, but I couldn’t help it. I truly believe in the value he offers his community and I love being part of it myself. I hope you found this information helpful as you strengthen your community. I would love to hear what you liked best about the interview, so please tweet me @KateVolman or connect with me on Facebook.

Originally published at Garage.



Kate Volman

CEO, strategist, coach, creative, community builder. #smallbusiness #motivation #inspiration #speaker