Grids In Jetpack Compose

Building better UI and providing great UX(user experience) to our user is the most important thing we need to achieve in any app development whether it’s mobile or web. In this blog we will discuss how to use Vertical and Horizontal grid for building UI in Android using Jetpack Compose.

Lazy Horizontal Staggered Grid

Let’s Start with Horizontal Staggered Grid. To build Grid Horizontally we need to use the function called LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid. Let’s understand more about Lazy Horizontal Staggered Grid by looking at example.

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val itemsList = (0..50).toList()
val itemModifier = Modifier.border(1.dp, Color.Blue).padding(16.dp).wrapContentSize()
setContent {
rows = StaggeredGridCells.Fixed(3),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp)

items(itemsList){item ->
Text("Items is $item", itemModifier)

In this example i have directly done it in MainActivity you may have different composable to implement it. In this we have invoked the LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid function to implement horizontal grid to our UI. We have defined itemList to 1 to 50 in a val. After that inside the LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid coroutine we have just iterated the items and put it in a text function.

Output Of Horizontal Staggered Grid

Lazy Vertical Staggered Grid

To build Lazy Vertical Staggered Grid we need to invoke the function called LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid. Let’s understand Lazy Vertical Staggered Grid by looking at example. It’s just same like Lazy Horizontal Staggered Grid.

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val items = (1..100).map {
height = Random.nextInt(100, 300).dp,
color = Color(
).copy(alpha = 1f)
setContent {
columns = StaggeredGridCells.Fixed(2),
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
contentPadding = PaddingValues(16.dp),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp)
) {
items(items) { item ->
RandomColorBox(item = item)

data class ListItem(
val height:Dp,
val color: Color

fun RandomColorBox(item:ListItem) {
Box(modifier = Modifier

In this code firstly we create data class containing our height and color after that we created composable function RandomColorBox which contains properties of our Box(Grid) like it’s size,shape and color. After that inside the Main Function we have initialized the items in val containing values from 1 to 100 and mapping it with random size and color to look a little bit attractive.

Output Of LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid

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Kathank Raithatha | Flutter Dev 💙

Android Developer | A 18 year old boy who gave his heart to Android and Tech