Belgian politicians shaping Europe

Katherine Burgos Puigros
3 min readDec 5, 2016


Belgium is famous for a lot of different things. Its diversity goes from the food until the paintors. Going through drinks, landscapes, and the people who shape the country: the politicians. In this case I am going to show the 5 most important ones shaping Europe as we know today.

1- Paul-Henry Spaak

This man was one of the main founders of the European Union. He was representing Belgium, but in that Union also participated Luxemburg and the Netherlands. His aim was the political unification of Europe to guarantee the prosperity and peace in the future. Furthermore, he also prepared the Treaty of Rome from the “Spaak Comittee”, and from there the Economic European Community was created. Without this man Europe wouldn’t be as it is today.

On this link you can find all the founders of the European Union:

2- Guy Verhofstadt

Guy Verhofstadt has also participated in a very active way to the European construction. He participated on the creation of the Spinelli Group, a net of citizens, expert groups, ONG’s, university students, writers and politics in favour to the European Union. Moreover, in 2016 he was elected for the European Parliament as a representer of the European Union on the negotiations for the Brexit.

3- Herman Van Rompuy

This politician stands out because it was the first permanent president of the European Council (2009–2014). But before being in front of the European Union he was the First Minister of Belgium, but then he resigned from his charge to become active on the EU. Toghether with José Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commision) and Martin Schulz (Parliament) he was honoured with the Peace Nobel Prize awarded to the EU as an example of the pacification of one continent that during six decades had constant wars.

4- Charles Rogier

Going back in time we find Charles Rogier. He was the leader of the Belgian revolution in 1830. After that he became the first minister of Belgium. He studied law at the University of Liége, but he also did some journalist campaigns against the Dutch that had invaded Belgium. In the isurrection he reached the expulsion of the Netherlands from all of Belgium.

5- Isabelle Gatti de Gamond

Isabelle Gatti de Gamond was an educationalist, feminist and politician from Belgium. She became really important because in 1864 she launched the journal ‘L’Education de la Femme’ and the ‘Cours d’Éducation pour jeunes filles’. In politics she was an activist for the Socialist Party due to the fact that she wanted the independence from the Roman Catholic Church. She helped to the independence of the women and the church -which had a lot of influence-.

