Today my dad would have turned 66

Katherine Onk
5 min readMay 3, 2020
Dad holding a surfboard in Hawaii — surfing abilities not pictured (or known)

Today my dad would have turned 66. In society a lot changes after 65, it’s an age that qualifies you.

As we’ve all felt recently, a lot can happen in very little time. We’ve all been home longer than we thought possible, restrained in more ways than normal — but also released just as much. Released from the societal tension that we feel from being wound tight to persist in this world of micro transactions.

It was 10 months ago in early July when my dad had his first seizure. I was living in SF and had just started on a week long road trip up the west coast in a camper van that I designed. My family assured me it was okay and to continue on my trip, dad was a big, strong guy — I wasn’t too worried. Hospital stays were not exactly a new venture for him, he has always had health conditions. I went home (Midwest) shortly after with plans to accompany him to the appointment to learn more about what the MRI scans meant. He had put the appointment off, so I called to reschedule it. The day before that appointment I found him on the floor, I called 911 and he was rushed to the ER. There are a lot of details about those days that I replay often. Many didn’t add up to me, but one that sticks out in particular was a nurse at the hospital calling me frantically asking what his Keppra dosage was. What- How could they not know that, I frantically asked back? This was the…



Katherine Onk

Analytics professional now focused on cancer treatments. Co-Founder & CEO & DNKO (