Katherine Powell
1 min readJun 4, 2016


If children are so impossible to keep track of why not keep them on a leash? It irks me one is legally required for my well-behaved dog but not for the rambunctious offspring of overwhelmed parents.

It’s obnoxious to state that those that don’t have kids aren’t entitled to an opinion. I was able to manage to keep track of 60 kids at a time, in 30 boats, when I coached sailing, and the years I worked as a soccer coach, teacher, and aftercare counselor gave me more experience than most when it comes to keeping track of multiple children at once. I babysat tons of kids and still do babysit my nephew. I chose not to have my own because I understand that being a parent means sacrifice, dedication, and constant vigilance. If that’s not something you can handle then DON’T HAVE KIDS.

Just because it’s difficult to do your job as a parent doesn’t mean you don’t have to do your job as a parent. If the kid had run into a busy street and been hit by a car would you feel the same empathy? Or would you think that maybe holding the hand of a 4 year old with ninja-level abilities in a busy public space would’ve been prudent?

