Dear Mr. Gonzales

Katherine Tran
3 min readJun 7, 2019


Dear Michael Gonzales,

Thank you for another wonderful year by being my English teacher again. I really appreciate the effort that you put into your work to give your students the best quality of teaching and how you do things that allow us to believe that your room is a safe place to come to when needed. You make the biomed environment very friendly and cheerful, and I think that’s a wonderful attribute you have.

For two years, you have been one of the best teachers and I can now safely say that you are also one of my most favorites. You are one of the reasons why I enjoy coming to school and to class because everyday with you and everyone else is so fun, exciting, and unexpected (except for the work). Although you are extra most of the times, I appreciate that you are willing to be patient with a majority of us who are sometimes a little slow (me and your directions). And I also am so thankful for the things you have taught us because really, we’re going to be using them a lot in the future.

You are a great person who is (or what I think is) very open-minded and I’m pleased that I am able to state my opinions without you having to judge them. You give great advice when I ask and your small statements through the periods light up my day. You are exceptionally so kind and I’m so happy that you taught us for two years.

I’ve been able to do many great things over those two years, and most of them have been by your help and support. What I’m most grateful for is that in your class, my self esteem has developed excellently. I have taught myself many skills by not only observing others but you as well. You could say you’re kind of my role model. My confidence, communication, leadership, cooperation, and intelligence have grown and have surpassed my expectations, and I have you, Noely, and my classmates to thank. I think that without you, I would never be able to get to where I am now and my accomplishments would probably be nonexistent. Your character has inspired me to become an ambitious student.

So with all the thanks, I hope your year with the freshmen starts off strong and ends with students who are thankful to you as well. I hope your tennis team does great and I hope you win all the time. I hope you explore many opportunities that will benefit you (because you deserve them). And I especially hope you and your family are always healthy and happy. In my opinion, I think both of your kids will grow up to be wonderful individuals such as yourself.

Before I end this letter, let me thank you a few more times. Thank you so much for being someone who I can count on during school. Thank you so much for being such a remarkable teacher with superb teaching skills. Thank you so much for trying your best to understand the students and going along with our jokes, even though they can be offensive. And thank you so much for an overwhelming school year. I’ll definitely mark 2018 and 2019 as one of the most memorable times of school.

Your student,

Katherine Tran

